Edward Cullen

Aug 05, 2008 21:44

Top 100 reasons why Edward Cullen is the best

1. He will make you dizzy just by looking into his eyes 
2. because he drives like a maniac 
3. because he's my brand of heroin 
4. because he makes contracting the Spanish influenza sound hot. 
5. because he'll love you for your smell and not your looks 
6. he'll write you your own lullaby 
7. Because he's a lion that fell in love with a lamb 
8. Because he makes sick masochism sexy 
9. Because he's raised the expectations of teenage girls everywhere 
10. Because you have to remind yourself to breathe around him 
11. Because even after being alive for well over 100 years, he still has a sense of humor 
12. because he'll make you go on LJ fan communities instead of revising for exams like you should be 
13. because real men sparkle. 
14. because sometimes it's nice to know someone who can lift a van off of you. 
15. because he makes 108 years look good. 
16. because mind reading is sexy. 
17. because he keeps the mongrels away- if you want him to. 
18. because he protects his virtue. 
19. because he likes to cuddle. 
20. because there are more reasons than can fit on the back of a t-shirt. Even an Emmett-sized one. 
21. Because he dazzles me. Frequently. 
22. Because his kisses drive people wild 
23. Because he calls you spider monkey.
 24. because he dazzles you without knowing 
25. because he can cool you down during a heat wave 
26. because he sparkles 
27. Because he makes other boys' mix CDs look like child's play. 
28. Because he's not afraid to get frisky in a secluded meadow. 
29. Because he'll jump in front of you to protect you from mind-torture. 
30. Because one little kiss from him is hotter than any french kiss, thank you very much. 
31. Because he heavily endorses college. 
32. Because he'll watch Romeo & Juliet with you. And recite all of Romeo's lines. 
33. Because he couldn't care less about Carlisle trying to play matchmaker with him and the incarnation of pure beauty, Rosalie. 
34. Because his hair could give McDreamy a run for his money. 
35. Because he knows what you want. 
36. Because he listens to Debussy. For fun. 
37. Because he prefers brunettes 
38. Because he started the trend of calling our kids Edward. 
39. He's the ultimate bad boy without being bad. 
40. Because he brought sex-hair back in style. (You know it. RPattz. ) 
41. Because he loves you. He wants you. Right now. 
42. Because he's bringing sexy back. 
43. Because he's a 'vegetarian'. (We all know vegetarians are sexy) 
44. Because he's rock hard. 
45. Because his breath always smells good. 
46. Because he'll never criticize your cooking. 
47. Because he won't check out other girls. 
48. because he will love you forever 
49. because he has a crooked smile 
50. Because Rob Pattinson makes the best Edward by far...

51. He makes you want to punch a Werewolf in the face 
52. because he loves your blood. and your body. it's a tie 
53. because he wants marry you! 
54. because who WOULDN'T want to snuggle with a marble column?!
55. because his SELF CONTROL will turn you on 
56. because he'll make you cold and HOT at the same time 
57. Because he'll suck poisoned blood out of your hand if necessary. 
58. Because he would dream about you if he could. 
59. Because he'll make you faint with his kissing expertise. 
60. Because his middle name is sexy 
61. Because he'll break jaws for you. 
62. because vampires don't need fangs if they're sexy 
63. Because he's rich and doesn't give a damn. 
64. because Peta agrees he is the sexiest vegetarian around 
65. Because he gives you family heirlooms- five carat ones. 
66. Because he can behead and dismember a sentient being...but still feel bad that you had to see it. 
67. Because his family is the best too. 
68. Because he'll serenade you - with something he composed. 
69. Because he's your hero and you're his heroin(e). 
70. Because he watches over you. 
71. Because he'll kill for you. 
72. because he's better than your boyfriend 
73. Because he simply walks into Mordor 
74. Because now every time you see a silver Volvo, you start to hyperventilate/ scream 
75. Because he'll stop his car to let the guy behind you ask you to prom... and then completely humiliate him later by taking you there himself. 
76. Because he can snap a two-foot-thick branch off a tree like a twig. 
77. Because he has excellent fashion sense. 
78. Because he'll buy you mushroom ravioli, and ignore the pretty waitress who brings it. 
79. Because his smirk isn't snarky 
80. Because he growls. In a good way. 
81. Because he actually READS good books. 
82. Because he'll always put you first. 
83. Because he pwnns all other men. 
84. Because he'll cut my brakes...because he loves me. 
85. Because he bleeds glitter and cries topaz. 
86. Because a model would give his soul by his face... literally. 
87. because he's your air conditioner. 
88. Because instead of being prince and have horse, is vampire and has a Volvo. 
89. because his sister can conveniently predict lottery numbers(or stock trends) 
90. because he can outrun a cougar ;) 
91. you can tell how hungry he is by the color of his eyes 
92. Because he is immortal. 
93. Because he thinks skipping class is healthy. 
94. Because he knows Shakespeare by heart. 
95. Because he makes piano playing sexy 
96. Because he can stop oncoming cars with his bare hands 
97. Because he's an old fashioned gentleman 
98. because his lips aren't the only thing that's marble 99. because his fathers a sexy doctor
100. because he's Edward. freaking. Cullen. *Written for the people, by the people

haha luv them....

credit goes to


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