
Jan 12, 2011 23:54

If you are anything like me, you probably spend 100% of your time with a bunch of things on your mind about what you're doing or will do soon. It is good to be on top of things, but most of the time - like right now - you're not being very productive, and so all these thoughts do is provide mental clutter.

First, realise that, as long as you're taking leisure time, whether you keep your worries around or not will not affect how anything actually plays out.  So, even though you're responsible for every obligation on your mind, there's nothing you should be doing about them in the immediate future. Now, say to yourself: "For the next few minutes, I am allowed to not think about anything at all." Repeat it until you believe yourself.

Next, spend some time watching what's going on in the present moment. Put the internet and music and any other stimulus away. Stay sitting where you are and look at the room around you, or stand up and look out the window. Don't plan anything for the future; don't resolve anything from the past. You may stay like this for as long as you like, until you feel like reattaching to the moving world.

After all, it's not like you would have done anything else worthwhile in the time it takes to do this exercise.

"The present moment never leaves you. It is you who leave the present moment."

quotes, dulce de leche, meditation, life

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