my good grasp of spanish has lasted surpisingly long

Nov 06, 2010 18:52

so, the bathrooms in the UC have automatic toilet paper dispensers. as far as poorly thought-through design decisions go... the usability team must have been out to lunch or something. but i think it must have been a lunch party with the translation team, because i noticed a sticker on the thing that read:

Installing a new roll / Instalación de rollos gastados / (some french that i could vaguely understand)

"wait a minute, doesn't gastar mean to waste?" (it actually means to spend, in several senses.) sure enough, there was also another sticker:

Installing a stub roll / Instalación de rollos nuevos / (more french including "noveau")

GJ, guys.

going over the panther hollow bridge i got to see a very pretty sunset over downtown-wards.

language, look around you

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