the ideas pile

Nov 01, 2010 21:04

the structure was shaped haphazardly, as though whoever had built it had started not really knowing what they wanted it to be shaped like when it was done, or even how exactly some parts of the construction would be accomplished. it stood on uneven ground, in a landscape constantly assaulted by harsh winds, so support frameworks had been erected all across to keep it safe. workers laboured tirelessly around it: they had just finished ensuring the foundation was solid enough, and could now safely remove some of the support structures to more speedily and easily build outward and upward. nobody could say if it would ever be completed, but there it stood, a testament to the work that had gone into it thus far, and already passably serviceable.

two travellers had just crested an overlooking hill; the shorter of them gave a slow nod, with eyes closed, as if to convey some deep and profound satisfaction. success stood there in front of them, and more success was yet to come.

post's title blatantly stolen from here.


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