profile 001

Jun 21, 2008 15:32

Okay I've made my first profile code! -claps- Here's an image preview.

Yes I know the image preview sucks. >> But for a temporary live preview, check our my profile over here

As for the codes, click the cut please!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris nec metus. Sed nec odio a nulla cursus ultricies. Morbi congue volutpat lacus. Mauris quis est. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce euismod tortor eu mi. Curabitur vel lacus at ipsum tempor placerat. Fusce auctor.



Just copy and paste it to your profile codes, replace the LINKHERE's with the links, the TEXTHERE's with what the text of the links should say, the lorem ipsum with your info, the title and subtitle of your journal or whatever you want. :] I hope that wasn't confusing. :)) If it is, just post a comment with your question and I'll try to answer it as quickly as I can. :]

Remember to:
- credit
- don't repost as your own
- follow the rules on the profile/info page. :)

Editing is allowed, just remember to give credit to me for the base. :)

profile layout