Nov 03, 2006 19:31
~In bed by 10 on weeknights and 12 on weekends
~Phone off and in the kitchen at 10 on weeknights and 12 on weekends
~Only allowed out 1 time per weekend
~Allowed on the internet 3 nights a week for 1 hour
~Not allowed to wear short bottoms or tight tops out of the house
~Can't listen to music with swearing in it
~Am told what and when I'm allowed to eat
~Have to call to go anywhere or have anyone come over
~Can only go out after school 1 time per week
~Am not allowed to even get my permit
~Am not allowed to hang out with certain friends
~Am not allowed in the car with anyone under the age of 21 (with the exception of Jake)
~Am barely allowed to go/have sleepovers (If I'm allowed, they have to be gone by 10 or she picks me up by 10)
~Am not allowed to have friends outside of high school
~Am not allowed to date older guys (meaning like 2 years older)
~Am yelled at if I'm on the phone for over an hour at a time
Tell me people, is this a list of rules for a 17 year-old, or a 10 year-old? Is this unfair, or am i just being irrational? I honetly think this is unjust considering that I will be 17 in under a week an d my 14 year-old boyfriend does not have any of these rules, and his parents are just as religious as mine are. The only thing keeping me from losing my sanity is him.