(no subject)

Jan 05, 2010 13:33

Who: Alice! And you! That is, very open. ♥
What: Her arrival and annoyance.
Where: The train station and beyond.
When: Afternoon-ish, I guess?

Alice stared at the wall of water before her. What was rising in her went beyond confusion or surprise, and really, considering the scenery thus far, this wasn't so out of place. Weirdness pervaded the area. The lake, however, represented one new idea: that the local weirdness was not content merely coloring the background, but prepared, rather, to personally get in her way. Actually, she was kind of glaring. The three small floating dolls flanking her protectively did the same.

Well, she had dealt with worse annoyances and arguably weirder, though generally at least with the assurance of being able to recover from them in the comfort of her own home. She was meant, according to that disembodied voice, to either wait for someone to come along or go get help herself; Alice wasn't feeling particularly obedient, but the desert vista before hadn't offered any appealing alternatives, nor the void since then. Of course, the idea of actively seeking help from another person barely reached her mind, but she wasn't about to stand around when she could be working to get herself out of this mess faster.

It was time to look around. Cerise had been mistaken, she noted; Alice had no need to get wet. Her dolls followed dutifully as she lifted off from the ground, though their formation proved unsustainable. One clipped the... er, edge of the water in passing. She turned back to give it a glance part concerned, part chastising, part appraising, but it hadn't gotten all that wet either. Then she was hovering over the lake, taking in the area before she set out.
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