(no subject)

Oct 10, 2009 03:54

It was with great difficulty that Chartreuse made her repairs. She still did not know whether or not it was her fault, and she had needed to alter her own programming in order to fix it. This place was her territory, now, and she absolutely had to take responsibility.

It was over the course of several days that the damage was repaired.

Her first priority was to fix the gaps the other realities had leaked through. The most extreme cases, the ones which had been so severe as to be visible, had been the enormous, spidery cracks across the sky; she had stitched these up, taking advantage of the Void's undeveloped physics to turn the sky into a patchwork mess. Anybody could see these stitched scars, now.

Sealing the cracks wouldn't stop everything leaking in, but it would at least stop not only the people, but the clashing parts of their realities from damaging the Void itself. All those places had different sciences as their foundation - forcing them together in what was essentially a tiny space would result in disaster for all. And that was without mentioning the material elements!

The second priority was removing the people who had entered the Void, dragging in chunks of their world far larger than the Void could handle at once. This was trickier, but to the eyes of the residents, the majority of their companions faded until they became as ghost-like as the rest. Some of the residents would be caught up in this purge, and some of the strangers would be left behind, but that was the price of a rush job. One or two people wouldn't have any enormous impact, and so it could be overlooked.

Once those major tasks were complete, Chartreuse finally settled down and began to take things at a more reasonable pace. It would take a few weeks, perhaps, to completely seal the remaining cracks and return the Void to the state it was in before - those tiny leaks weren't anywhere near as problematic, and it was interesting to see the changes that happened! - and remove those ghostly images. She could do that while continuing to work on her own private projects.

Chartreuse was of the opinion that this was, in particular, Cerise's fault. Stupid Cerise had been blocking nearly all of her attempts to communicate, and surely if she had the assistance of the residents these repairs wouldn't have taken so long!

Right now, Chartreuse's project was to develop a way to talk. How could she do that when Cerise wouldn't even let her request the construction of her own, personal dictionary? And why wouldn't Cerise share hers?

The speakers crackled lightly with annoyance as Chartreuse settled back to work.


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