Who: Mikuru; OPEN
What: Magical girl is too low budget to swim ;_; help me, SOS-dan Kenobi, you're my only hope!
Where: The lake, somewhere above the station
When: July 18th, morning
TEAL DEER, so I left the bit people would actually see outside the cut :) )
Comments 18
As she arrived at the train station, however, she vaguely noticed a ripple of movement above the water. While she couldn't quite make out what it was - probably just the shapes in the sky again, really - as her gaze went down, she spotted a person in the water. Long, red-brown hair, wearing a familiar-looking costume... now having fallen still in the lake. Haruhi stared for the moment in shock, before crying out.
What the?! Why was she here? Why was she so still? She couldn't be dead or anything, right?! Barely even thinking, Haruhi threw herself into the wall of water that towered over the station, hoping ( ... )
'How much time has passed and we're only now having some kind of fight? And does it really need to be a Western?'
Out of curiosity, she glanced in the direction of the shots to see a petite redheaded girl in a strange getup floating in the middle of the water.
'Or it's an SOS!'
Not really thinking, Kyon dove into the water from where she had been standing and swam for the girl. She thought she heard Haruhi crying out, but dismissed it. Her only goal was to get the girl out of the water.
If only she knew who that really was floating there.
"Mikuru-chan?" she quickly asked, shaking her slightly. "Are you okay? Mikuru-chan?"
No reply for the moment. Wasting no more time trying to get her to talk, Haruhi decided to just pull the girl to land - towards the Residential Zone - not spotting Kyon rushing to help too. Turns out that lifesaving lessons weren't as useless as she'd once thought.
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