(no subject)

May 09, 2006 02:32

So, I am totally over live journaling. I mean not only is my date off but it's so secular. It's hard to find anyone interesting (besides my friends. So I guess I'm just writing this cuz im fucked up and it's totally fruitless, yah. I actually used that word. Mmm so going to sleep. To sober up/down/sideways ??? Where is this going.. oh yah- dreams are the best when your still awake. I've been half asleep and half awake sometimes. Weird. Try it..keep thinking until your almost asleep and it's like prolonging into dream. Call it Wonderland or just a rude awakening but a lot of things make sense within the next two days. I am thinking about starting one of those dream journals...but naw life moves too fast. When you're partdyinghardy.
OHHH sin.
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