Sep 04, 2006 21:47
dammit, i PMS like a bitch
does birth control help with such things?
i'll definitely ask about it when i go in for my next physical at the beginning of the year that i'm supposed to do because of something with dad's new insurance, i don't know
but yeah
today i've been fucking moody
like, ridiculously
and horny
and depressed
and ashamed
and tired
and angry
and worried
i don't remember this happening before... just the last couple months
what has happened to me????
when i do my next rounds (in a few min), i'm gonna find my PMS relief spray
it's from bath and body works
some aromatherepy thing
not really sure how it works technically
but the scent is pretty soothing
i suppose the interesting news i heard today didn't really help with my mood swings
it messed with my head pretty well
but i'm pretty sure i'm caring a lot more than i should
i'm not really sure why i care so damn much
but upon further contemplation, i've come up with a couple reasons
i pretty much want to go to bed
although i have a bunch of shit i should be doing
slash should have already done
i did my chem
i suppose doing the bookwork helped me feel a little bit better about sucking up the lab last week
damn, i suck at labwork
(i think jess can tell plenty of stories about that... oh accel and AP)
maybe anal chem will help me suck less eventually
at some point i'll have to get this stuff right
the room didn't get cleaned
there are a couple little things i can do pretty quickly to make a semi-substantial difference
i think i'll do those when i get upstairs
i think i'll read my history over a nice big bowl of bunny tracks
it's one of those days
lk sucks,