Something good...FINALLY!!

Jul 23, 2007 07:43

They were able to get all of Gram's cancer. The only problem they had was due to the calcium buildup around her heart. But I guess on Friday she was bitching about the nurse and the food, so she will be just fine. Dad went to see her Friday and he said she looked good...well, for the most part. They had been talking about moving her out of ICU Friday, but she was in a lot of pain, so they kept her there.

Saturday was the annual pig roast. I had fun. I was the designated driver. I figured mom had to face everyone asking where Marc was, so I would let her drink. Thankfully everyone knows us well enough that when they asked where he was and they got just a look, they knew and didn't ask anymore. The questions of where he was were the only shitty part of the day. We got there between 1 & 1:30 and stayed til almost 10. It was great! But leave it to me, mom and Mason. We all ate at the pig roast, but when we left, we decided we were all hungry and drove through McDonald's & Taco Bell. And we got about 13 bucks worth of food at Taco Bell!!! Mason cracked up cuz the amount the people behind us owed popped up as we were pulling away and it wasn't even 2 bucks, so we started joking about how they were probably cussing us out due to having to wait! I swear, the three of us aren't right!

But I should go. Tomorrow the Jetta goes in for an estimate and I am so nervous about what it is gonna cost to fix. Everything broke at once and it had to happen when we are in a bad situation. I am just praying to God that it doesn't cost anymore then what the loan I can get is, but it probably will cuz my luck sucks right now.
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