I am not: like everyone else
I love: Kyle
I hate: a certain group of people
I fear: heights
I hope: things will only change for the better
I hear: nothing right now
I crave: sleep at the moment
I regret: a lot
I cry: all the time
I care: too much about things that don’t really matter
I always: get mad really easily
I believe: in God
I feel alone: when I have noone to talk to
I listen: to music
I hide: what’s bothering me most of the time
I drive: better than some people around here
I sing: all the time but not too great
I dance: some
I write: notes and in live journal
I play: in class
I miss: people I’m closest to
I search: for answers
I learn: new things everyday
I feel: bored and sleepy right now
I know: things will get better eventually
I say: cuss words too much
I succeed: getting pissed off
I dream: in the daytime and at night
I wonder: all the time
I want: to graduate
I have: nothing to do
I give: people a hard time
I fell: the other day!! it was so funny!
I fight: with my brother all the time
I need: to go home
1. Your name: Heather
2. Do you like your name?: it’s alright
3. If not, what would you change it to?:I’d prolly leave It like it is
4. Your age: 17
5. Do you wish you were younger/older?: yeah, sometimes
6. If so, what age, and how come?: 21, officially LEGAL
7. What school are you going to?: CCHS
8. Where is that school located?: Southwest Alabama
9. Do you get along with your parents?: I do with my mom most of the time
10. Do you get along with your siblings: not really
11. Do you have a best friend?: yes
12. Why is that person your best friend?Because they are always there for me when I need them
13. By the way, who is this person?: Ashleigh and Joey
14. Do you trust your friends?: yeah
15. Who is one person that you could totally tell anything to?: Ashleigh and Joey
16. Name one person that you used to be friends with, that you wish you could be frieinds with now: Anna
17. Why did that friendship end? her “old” friends
18. What qualites do you like that your friends have?: always listens, and can make me smile no matter what
19. Do you think you have good friends?: yes
20. If you could give your best friend (or closest friend) one thing, what would it be?: A hug
21. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: YEAH!!!
22. What is their name?: Kyle
23. Are you seeing anyone?: Yeah
24. What is their name?: Kyle
25. Do you have a crush on anyone?: Yeah
26. What is their name? Kyle
27. If any of the questions are answered, why do you like the person you are with/have a crush on?: Cause he’s really sweet and understanding…most of the time!! lol
28. Do they have any qualities, that you would like to have for yourself?: patients
29. How much time do you like to spend with them?: every chance I get
30. Were they your friend before you started dating/liking them?: yeah, best friends
31. Color?: blue and pink
32. Shampoo?: Garnier Fructice
33. Deodarant?: Ban
34. Actor?: the guy who played Noah on the Notebook
35. Actress?: Rahceal Mcadams
36. Sandwich?: peanut butter and jelly
37. Bread?: white
38. Animal?: dog
40. Food?: itialian
**Either or**
41. White or Dark Chocolate?: white
42. Stuffed Animal or Blanket?: blanket
43. Waterbed or regular matress?: regular
44. Morning or Night?: night
45. Disney or Nick?: disney
46. Scary or Comedy?: both
47. Get up early or sleep the day away?: sleep the day away and be alive at night
48. Job or School?: job
49. Phone or Internet?: phone
50. Garlic or French bread?: French
**With or Without**
Subject: Hamburger
51. Lettuce?: with
52. Mustard?: without
53. Ketchup?: with
54. Mayo?: with
55. Onions?: without
Subject: Perfect date
57. Guy/Gal with braces?: without
58. Candles?: with
59. Food?: with
60. Sporty car?: who cares
**Yes or No**
61. Live with your parents?: Yes.
62. Want to live with your parents?: NO.
63. Have a car?: yeah
64. Want a car?: yeah, a different one
65. Would you do the "Survior" show?: nope
66. Would you spend some money on your little/older sibling(s) if you had $1000:yeah more than likely
67. Would you eat earthworms if your life depended on it?: ewwww gross
68. Would you take a bullet for some of your friends?: yeah
69. Do you think that your friends would take a bullet for you?: I would hope so
70. Do you wish you were famous?: nope
71. Why do you think the moon revolves around the earth?: Gravity.
72. Why was Einstien considered a genius?: Because he was smart.
73. Why do some people spend so much time making these stupid surveys?: lonelyness and boredom
74. Why do some people spend so much time filling out these stupid surveys?: Boredom.
75. Why do you enjoy the company of your friends?: Because they are just fun to hang out with
76. Why are some people accused of "chewing like a cow?: they chew with their mouth open
78. Why when you leave the door open, you are asked if you were raised in a barn?: who knows
79. Why do women complain so much about the seat being left up, and guys don't complain when the seat is down?: who knows
80. Why do most Americans spend most of their day sitting, and then complain that they are over weight?: lazyness
81. Does your grandma still pinch your cheeks?: no
82. Has any of your relatives bought you clothing that you dispised, but you wore, just so they wouldn't be insulted?: no
83. What nick names did you develop from your relatives?: Hey Hey
84. Which realitive could you consider "cool"?: my mom
85. Can you really say that you would go in public with some of your relatives and NOT be embarassed?: a rare few of them
86. Do you have any embarrassing home videos that your relatives have threatened to show on your wedding day?: no
87. When you started dating people, did the baby pics come out of the closet?: no, thank god
88. Have you ever been to a family reunion?: yes
89. What is the most embarrassing moment that you have encountered with your relatives?: wow…let me think of them all…
90. Do you have a favorite relative?: my aunt rita
**Friends Part 2**
91. Do your friends stand differently in your mind?: no
92. What does "hanging out" consist of?: going places, talkin to, sitting around doing nothing
93. How many close friends do you have?: I have lots of Close friends, but only a few CLOSEST friends
94. Do you have one ultimate BEST friend?: I have 2
95. Why do you consider that person your best friend?: we have a lot in common and can understand each other
96. If you are "taken" at the moment, do you consider your significant other as one of your close friends?: yeah because I feel like I can tell him anything
97. If you have a crush at the moment, is this person one of your close friends?: same as the one before
98. Do you believe that a relationship will last longer if the person is one of your close friends?: I hope so
99. What is one thing that attracts you to the opposite sex?: personality is the main one
100. Are you thankful for your friends?: of course!!!