Jun 21, 2011 15:58
Well what do you know? I’m grounded again by flight delays!
Yes, the volcanic ash crisis is back for round two, and because of it flights to Sydney were halted which means I’m still stuck in Perth. And I was meant to be at a meeting in Sydney this morning. And fault lies with me because I should have flown over earlier. Typical…
But apparently, I’m waiting and it looks like I can get on a 2pm flight to Sydney. And the marketing executives have said we can meet with them tomorrow. Thank god.
Other than that, things have been pretty uneventful.
It’s very much been hot chocolate weather in the mornings. But I love being able to wear my boots and my coats, especially my trench coats. I love, love, love my winter clothes!
Training hard for the beginning of July. Lots of sessions and fitness training. Our netball team were A Grade winners last year, I was Champion dancer and our group won overall so we’ve got to be ready to defend our titles! LOL.
In the meantime, have fun guys and girls!
Best wishes,
Emma x x