Nov 16, 2010 22:22
It's Different
Fuck [fuhk] interjection
1. Slang . (used to express anger, disgust, peremptory rejection, etc., often fol. by a pronoun, as you or it. )
2. To have sexual intercourse with.
Origins: Shady from 15th Century; possibly from Dutch froggen- to thrust at.
Shit [shit] noun
1. excrement; feces.
2. Slang . pretense, lies, exaggeration, or nonsense.
3. Slang . something inferior or worthless.
4. Slang . a selfish, mean, or otherwise contemptible person.
5. Slang . narcotic drugs, esp. heroin or marijuana.
6. Slang . possessions, equipment, mementos, etc.; stuff. Origins: Old English scite meaning dung
Dick [dik] noun
1. Slang for penis
2. An unpleasant or cruel person.
Origins: From 16th century meaning fellow, friend, man.
Fag [fag] noun
1. A homosexual slur.
Origins: From faggot meaning a bundle of sticks or twigs, which during the Renaissance were used to burn men and women who were allegedly involved in homosexual activity.
It's Different
Fuck, shit, dick. They're different and not pleasant, but none of them refer to a time when it was acceptable to burn innocent human to death. By using the word fag or faggot, no matter the intention, you are inspiring hate. By using this word it is as if to call others to bring a bundle of sticks because those men holding hands, those women kissing, those people in love, should be killed painfully and horrifically.
It's different.