Aug 02, 2005 09:18
i guess i LOST a go0d friend over sum bull shiiiit
cuz of sumthing i did....... thats....... have a LiFE!!!
its like why cant i fuckin do wut i wanna do??
why do i gotta make every one else happy b4 im happy??
i NEVER thought i would lose sum one that close 2 me cuz i wanted 2 b happy
i guess thats how life goes right??
u cant always have things that u want FOREVER huh??
this shiiit is STUPID tho OMG!!!
if u people only knew wut tha reason is!!!
u would b like WTF is that persons problem OMG!!!
luckly i have mi BESTEST BESTEST BESTEST FRiEND PauLeTTe 2 b there 4 me and support me in wut ever i do.......... i LOVE her 4 that <3 <3
and MONICA..... i noe i gotta call u, and i will!!!
but thanx 4 KARING at least lol
and last night i didnt noe wether 2 CRY or 2 jus b like OH WELL......
i did both cuz i was so0o0o0o confused
and i dont like cryin, last time i cryed was when mi uncle commited suicide
i cry when it is needed, is this tha time its needed??
i WiSH shiiit would jus be OKAY 4 once..... but i guess ill KeeP WiSHing huh??
i guess no one will ever noe how i really feel, or understand me....... well cept 4 PauLeTTe, shes like tha ONLY one who noes me more than i noe miself!!
i thought i had one more person, but NOPE!!!
............... jus SMILE and be HaPPy JOANNA!!!!......... GOSH!!!