Mar 07, 2006 16:50
So yup its warm out and guess who standing around macomb campus... you guessed it those damn annoying people who want to put dick channey in jail... when i was walking i was jsut listening to the shit they had to say one girl like our generation is getting screwed over and i jsut wanted to slap her. Bitch you dont even know what your talking about you jsut like to hear the sound of your own voice!!!!haha
Anyways Nathans birthday was yesterday and he turned 20. He gettin so old he cant even be called a teeneager anymore. muuuuahaha but i am still the baby and i like it! I got him a 100 dollar gift card to best buy and this saturday im going to take him to greek town.. I feel bad because i wish i could get him more but hopefully greek town will be really fun. Next week is spring break and i am excited becasue i really need it. I hate school and i just think how much it sucks and i have to go for another four years. I wish i could jsut win a million dollars and be good for the rest of my life... Or it would be really awesome if i became famous and everyone i hated i would look down on and flash my money around to them so they realized how much their life sucks and kill themselves.. haha im jk
p.s. i really love the weather lately... i cant wait till its SUMMMER!!!!!!