Aug 15, 2008 10:49
6 days!!! Can't wait to go back to Kent and get my party on with all my roomies. Pants Off Dance Off 2008!
"I'll be the waterwings that save you if you start drowning
In an open tab when your judgment's on the brink."
I'm happier today than I have been in the past week or so. Don't really know why, unless it's because of all the shameless, goofy flirting with a certain boy last night... :D
"I want to take you far from the cynics in this town
And kiss you on the mouth."
The thing about the internet though is that I wonder if he realizes I was flirting, not just being retarded. Ah.. he's sweet though. All in good fun I suppose.
I got a haircut yesterday! It's cute and short-ish. An "angled bob" if you will. Now if I can just find my damn straightener...
Stuff left to do:
-finish going through & packing boxes
-get well-vacuumed futon mattress back from Rachel
-have a hoo-ra with campfire & maybe even doughboy fatty suprises (YUM!)
-see my beautiful niece & sister
-attend family reunion
-figure out AppleCare nonsense and get a charger for my computer
-change of address stuff?
-figure out how I'm getting my stuff to Kent and moved in *before* party
On a completely different note, I need new LJ icons.
"Start a brand new colony
Where everything will change,
We'll give ourselves new names (identities erased)."
"Everything will change..................."