IfICanDream.com! oh snap!

Apr 21, 2010 14:13

So, I promise I'm not a stalker. It's just so damn easy to spy and snoop on people these days that it's just ridiculous. There's this show on hulu that I watch that is about 6 young aspiring showbizness peeps that all live in one house together in California( where else? ), and they go on auditions, gigs, and acting classes and modeling shoots...just so that they can get a job. But that's not the stalker part. The stalker part is when there are at least 60 cameras in the whole house and they are all on ALL THE TIME. You can watch them having intimate conversations, you can watch them jam on their guitar for two hours straight, and you can even watch them surf the internet.

Now, I find this completely fascinating. And hysterical that I even watch this. It's such an invasion of privacy and I don't know if its completely necessary, but it's happening....All I can imagine is someone lonely sitting on their computer late at night and watching these people eat their sandwiches or something...But I guess that is what the internet is now. We can watch people do normal random stuff and not feel creepy at all about it anymore. Yay? Now I'm not mad about this show having a complete lack of privacy, I actually find it kind of interesting....and it's somewhat comforting to watch semi-"famous" people sleeping all tangled up in their messy bed with their hair in curlers and think, " wow, that kinda looks like me this morning. " I'm just fascinated at how far we have come in technology. I can watch these people live RIGHT NOW. And you feel somewhat of a connection to them....which can be either translated to creepy, pathetic, or funny, depending on your preference.

IN OTHER NEWS...I am going to be looking at an apartment for myself NEXT MONDAY. How exciting is this? My own place! I get to have my own dishes and my own living space and my own bathroom...I get to be as clean or messy as I want. That would be awesome. I really hope I like the feel and look of this place, otherwise I'd probly have to live somewhere like ONE north or something crazy like that. Live with three other girls who I don't know and who would probly have drunken parties every weekend? Nah, not for me. Give me a hole in the wall and a window and a toilet and I'm set!

Also, I have been realizing how much I truly need Jesus. My life is a pointless void of space without him.
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