I have entered my last year at Willits High School. It is beyond bizarre to imagine. There are so many little kids wandering around asking where the rooms of freshman teachers are. Kenny Smith, Ariel North, and Melissa Hughes are high school students. Jesus Cristo!
My day starts with Modern Dance (which, at the semester, will change to Jazz
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Calc = w00t! My old textbook = w00t! My old way of spelling my name = w00t! Gwen = w00t! Gwen in a good place = w00t! Give her my love.
Band: I believe you meant to say that people do math on their watches? Because math on calculators isn't actually all that unusual. You band geek you *snigger*
Econ. As long as That Woman (feel free to borrow Emmy and my personal nickname for her, El Diablo) isn't plaigerizing from you, you're still good. What obnoxious thing in her own life is she talking constantly about now, now that she doesn't have law school anymore? What state would allow her to pass the bar? I have no more respect for the California legal system. It amuses me, though, that she figured out she couldn't cut it after only a summer.
Who's teaching Environmental Science? Give Mr. KP my love, too. And, you, know, everyone else so they won't feel left out :)
Fuck Mike, the evil alien bastard. Email me his lj name, so I can read and mock.
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