Feb 14, 2010 22:00
Okay, right. I no this is like geek land but sod ya. Taylor does the hell she wants, and if Kel's into this 'internet' fing, and if even frickin' morticias managing then i can get in on the action. so go stare at a cow or summat. see if i care wot u do.
anyway, guess u nosy buggers wanna no hu i am. well, im taylor the frickin brilliant. i rule man. well, almost. kel rules. but man, i am like second in command. gost face rekons its er but nah. shes just pissed cos im kelly bff now. sod er. i can take tish weneva i frikkin well wont. and she nos it. av u red the drivel on ere? woteva. wot a wingebag.
kay, fed up now. gonna go bully an emo. seeya.