I find that when im bored i tend to complain... so just dont read if you dont want to listen.

Mar 30, 2005 13:15

So its 1:15 on wednesday march 30, and its spring break....and im bored out of my mind, and have a MASSIVE AMOUNT OF ENERGY i already went for a walk and usually that calms me down...haha not today :-D!!!!!!!!

the weather is BEAUTIFUL!!!! 2 really nice days in a row. I really do enjoy the spring... its not really hot yet its not cold it perfect....and rain i like the rain. dont get me wrong i like sunny days but sometimes you just need a good rainy day to....well play in sing or dance or walk :-) but right now im really glad its sunny.FONT>

So my mom told me that i get to re due my room..... meaning i finially get to paint it and pick out the things i want done to it.....

Im kinda happy about that i mean right now its grey and not like a decent color grey and im ugly my brother picked it when it was his room grey and its chipping off so im constantly picking up paint chips kinda of grey. there are only a few problems im going to have with it being redone...

1. Mommy said when we get the new computer shes going to have our old one fixed, and i get to have one in my room after its redone, hence the reason i got a desk with a computer spot....whats happening, my brother is getting the old computer and i get nothing... Yes

2.Daddy said i could get a phone in my room.... dad now decided that he doesnt want to do it and i should move into my sisters old room since its already hooked up to a phone thingy..... ok sounds like a decent plan NOPE our rooms are the same length but her room is about the widths of our rooms are different hers is about 4-5 feet shorter in width and im not going into a smaller room i have tooooooo much stuff but her closet is bigger and well i need a bigger closet... oh well

3. For christmas my parents bought me a tv for my room....why???? i dont really know but ok whatever its got a dvd player and its pretty cool so im fine.....where is it sitting in the box in my sisters room because my mom wanted to redue my room first and now my dad says he doesnt want to hook it up .... Score!!

OK now i think im just complaing because of the "luxuary items" i cant get but hell if im staying home for college for a long long time its gotta be something im happy with right???

any who....ive been in a really good mood lately....everything is going really well. and im truly happy with how everything is going....

yea i dont know what else to say but i'll leave you with this...

Being spontaneous is a good thing and i think everyone should find the spontenunity in them ;-) lol
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