It is officially the begining of the end...

Mar 13, 2005 16:22

So yesterday was the end to my first and last musical for kenmore west.....dont get me wrong i have done backstage work for all the shows but this time i actually got to be in it :-)

as angelia put it, it was one of the greatest cast to work with, although everyone had there occassional moments of freaking out it was all in good fun. Im really going to miss it i mean it was my life pretty much for the past weeks and now, i dont know.

I thought i was going to cry a whole lot but i didnt, i cried a little and it suprised me because well i cry over anything....for pride and predjuce i balled like no tomorrow maybe that was because i didnt think i was going to make it in the musical...but i did. I think that it hasnt set in yet that this was my last time in any kind of prodution for west. that it....theres no more now that its over really has made me realize that there are only 3 months and 13 days till i walk across the stage and graduate. Once the musicals over its on the "home stretch" i mean im going to college next year.... college.

I used to be like o i cant wait and now i dont know.... i mean i hate highschool because no one has full maturity and dont get me wrong some people in college dont either but still its different most of my friends now are in college, but the end of highschool is the end to the  way of life that i have known for the last 13 years....i feel like im just being pushed out into a world that i am not even close to being ready for,and im scared that im not going to succeed and then what will happen to me???

But any way i am really going to miss everyone involved with kiss me kate, I hope we all stay intouch..i know i was probably a bitch and that i said i couldnt wait till it was over but all of you are truely wonderful and im glad that i got to share my first/last ken west musical production with you all.... expecially the fellow each of are all very special talentedpeople that have a place in my life forever.

"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances
But they're worth taking
Lovin' might be a mistake
But it's worth making
Don't let some hell bent heart
Leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out
Give the heavens above
More than just a passing glance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance....."

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