
Oct 05, 2005 10:37

Oh. my. God. I am, uh ... going to try and write this without too many caps-locks and keyboardmashes, 'k? I'm gonna TRY. Because, holy shit. Best Night EVAR.

- This amuses me. I walked inside and they were almost the on the opposite side of the venue and the first thing that goes through my mind is "oh my God, Howie and Brian are talking! And LEANING!" Bwahahaha! I am so slash-doomed.
- I only freaked for a couple of seconds watching them up there. They were SO close and it still didn't feel real. Holy shit. It still doesn't.
- Howie was drinking tea. :D Actually, so was Brian.
- Brian is fucking gorgeous in real life. Oh, humina. Not that he's not on pictures, but he's just ... it's the eyes, I think. They're so blue. It probably helped that he was also wearing a blue sweater. Bastard! Making me drool all over myself!
- So. is. AJ. Just ... oh my goodness gracious. He closed his eyes while singing at one point and all I could see were eyelashes. Eyelashes everywhere! Good God, he's beautiful.
- I asked a question! Well, made a request. Now, of course, that the moment is over I wish I would've said more. Stuff like I'm glad they're back and I love the new CD, but it was such an impulse decision that all I managed to do was stutter, "I was, uh, wondering if, um, if you guys could sing a little bit of, um, 'Song For The Unloved'?"
- Halfway through that sentence, I look up and AJ's looking RIGHT at me, all attentive, and my brain goes 'fzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt.' I don't remember much else from when I was at that microphone, and I don't think I looked anywhere else. Besides, the thought that I possibly had five Boys looking at me while I fumbled out a badly structured sentence is just too much for my brain to handle.
- They couldn't, by the way. They all had a "..." face for about a second and Nick was grinning, "Okay, that one's gonna be hard." They tried, and they botched it up so badly, but at least they tried. Brian wanted to keep at it, because he's beautiful and loves me, and Howie was all "I was with you, Brian!" and Brian was all, "Yeah, I know you were, Howie! You got my back!" Hee! And then they told me they hadn't been asked to sing that song before. So I stumped the Boys and made a unique request! Go me!
- I don't think I managed to get pictures of any of the Boy!touching (I was busy staring, please and thank you), but AJ and Brian had a cute little moment where they leaned into each other and Brian had his arm around AJ's shoulder as he said something into his ear. It wasn't much, but dude, AJ/Brian touching in real life? Way better than ANY picture. My cousin actually got a video of it on her cell - if she can figure out how to get it on the computer I'll put it up.
- AJ was all over Kevin, too. Hands around him and talking into his ear. And when they were across the stage from each other, AJ called out "Kev!" and asked him a question. Once again, affectionate nicknames in real life, people. They KILL ME DEAD.
- Brian and Nick were SO. CUTE. They did a couple of moves that looked like they'd been rehearsing them, smirking at each other as they did them, and Brian felt the need to let Nick sing into his microphone as much as possible. And, I mean, you know, Nick was all over him, obviously. Because Brian's a Boy and he was within Nick's reach. Bless him. <3
- Hee, Kevin! When they were lining up for pictures, the rest of the Boys were scattered around talking to each other and crewmen and he was all, "Guys! Hello! We're doing pictures! Get your asses up here!" The amount of love I have for this man now, you guys do not understand.
- Pictures will be up later! I don't think I managed to get anything interesting, though - I was busy staring and it was only after a cute moment had passed that I thought, "shit, Mette, you have a CAMERA! USE IT!"

- They told us to leave our coats and bags in wardrobe after soundcheck and then SENT US BACK OUTSIDE. Without overcoats! Fucking stupid venue people. We were freezing our asses off for an hour before we were let back in. We were let in almost immediately after the people who'd spent the night, though, so. 2ND ROW ALMOST CENTER, BABY. Right by Brian's microphone! I love first come, first serve. :D
- Oh my God. Just - the energy in that concert hall. You do not understand. We were all SO charged and starved for those Boys. And they could feel it, too. You could see it when Howie would, every once in a while, break out into a smile out of nowhere that was SO huge that you couldn't help but smile back. And when Brian would look around and exhale with this awed look on his face. They were all SO into it and giving everything and oh my God, it was fabulous. There wasn't a lull in that two-hour rush, not even for a second.
- We sang Happy Birthday to Kevin! And he wasn't even around! BWAH! Brian came to the center of the stage and was all "HEL-LO!" and then people started singing. Brian laughed and made us sing it again, and this time he waved Kevin up with "Keviiin, I think they're singing you happy birthday." So Kevin finally came up to the center and Brian wrapped his arm around him and they're COUSINS oh my God the pretty, and then Kevin smiled and gave us a bow. The cuteness, man. THE CUTENESS.
- I got eyecontact with everyone except Brian. Not for a lack of TRYING, mind. I tried! He was waving and hello-ing everywhere except to my part of the stage. His OWN part of the stage. RAWR. :D
- But oh my God, the eyecontact I DID get. I got so many smiles from Howie. He's SO good with crowds, for serious. He was constantly aware. And I saw at least one wink! YAY! :D
- Kevin. Kevin Scott Richardson. I got him two times. First time they were all bowing, I can't remember what song it was, and halfway through that bow he looked right at me and SMIRKED. I was directly in front of him, you see. Oh ... my good God. My brain stopped working for a minute. Second time was when he was singing his part in SMTM. I think he looked at me for half the verse and I remembered he's mentioned before that he holds eyecontact with just one person whenever he gets freaked out or whatever. And just. Asklsdfdgf! Those eyes are so GREEN and he was SMILING and ... KEVIN, YOU SEXY MOFO. *FLAIL FLAIL!*
- AJ looked at me during the AIHTG dance and smiiiiled. :D Probably because I was grinning so wide at him I thought my face was gonna crack, but whatever! Good enough for me!
- I don't think I actually heard the Boys sing at all, at least not very much, because the crowd was singing along so loudly. But they encouraged it, they made us sing louder and Brian did the "you sing!" at least five times, and, dude, did I mention the ENERGY? It really didn't matter. And they kept grinning at us whenever we sang! How were we supposed to stop! It was cool.
- Howie's little sway cha-cha move is sexy live. He moved those hips and my brain exploded, for serious. I wasn't expecting that.
- He did a little move when he said "we're gonna take a trip down memory lane" as well that was really ... yeah. Guh. He's got it all in the hips, man. But he was also dorky, with the "thank you for keeping the Backstreet Pride alive!" and it just made me laugh - not mocking laugh, but laugh - because he was so earnest and cute and TINY OMG.
- Howie TWIRLED! And Kevin did the turtledance! They love me!
- Brian walked up and conducted Nick and Howie when they were disco-dancing. DID I MENTION I LOVE BRIAN A REALLY LOT?
- Nick is really sexy with a guitar. Yes. And, oh man, he grabbed his mic stand at one point and held it out in front of his crotch with this "whatchu got, HUH?" look on his face. BWAH! How old is he again? He got a Look from both Howie and Brian with that one.
- Dude, Nick's got some really hot moves, too. There were these flashes when he moved his hips a certain way or looked at the crowd a certain way that just made you think "whoa, where did THAT come from?"
- Oh, and he got down on his knees during Siberia! I KNEW he would! Also, I got some of that snow in my eye and it REALLY stung. It did on Brian, too, apparently, because he kept rubbing his eyes furiously. He also kept tilting his head up towards it so I say it's his own fault.
- Brian, by the way, is so much love. OH MY GOD. The facial expressions! The fist he makes when he sings! The SMILES! Those smiles are fucking lethal. And the hello-ing and the waving and the silly! Oh, Brian. He made me squeal so much.
- When Nick said he had a new girlfriend, everyone started squealing until they realized what he was saying. Then the boo-ing started. BWAH! Nick cracked the hell up. He loves us from the bottom of his heart, by the way. :D
- AJ IS. SO. GODDAMN. SEXY. With the moves and the tilted hats and the smirks and the TONGUE. He of course had to jump down into the pit, and he stayed an arm's length from us for a while, just smirking at us and waggling his tongue and doing the devilhorns. Then he actually moved closer and I swear, the entire crowd behind me SURGED forward. All air left me, man. And I didn't get to touch his hand 'cause I couldn't reach. :/ Ah well. He is just sex on a stick. GUH.
- Those two hours flew by SO fast. I swear, I blinked and then they were singing Everybody. I love all the new remixes, by the way. Every single one. They actually made me enjoy ALAYLM.
- By the way. Hearing an entire concert hall chant 'Backstreet Boys' over and over again is amazing. I mentioned the energy, right? Yeah okay, good. THERE WAS SO MUCH ENERGY.

- What sticks out the most is Howie and Brian. No, SERIOUSLY. Even if I wasn't a complete tinhat over them, I would've seen it. They were ALL over each other. EVERY time Brian looked at Howie he started grinning. Brian had his arm around Howie during the first part of QPG and they were SO cute, giggling at each other and lending their microphones to each other and they were RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. Howie/Brian cuteness four feet away!
- Okay, what else. They danced around each other for five minutes straight, for serious. Like, circling around each other. And AGAIN with the giggling and the eyefucking. They could've converted ALL O' Y'ALL if you'd been there!
- During I Still, when Nick, Howie and Brian bunch together and sing, Howie reached over and fixed the front of Brian's shirt and then just kept holding on to it. And they kept staring at each other while they did it. Adsld]fkjd3skdjf! Can we say hot much? I think we can.
- Brian held on to Nick's tie after Howie moved away. And he was just staring at Nick and Nick was all beaming and loving the attention.
- Howie and Nick were mock duking it out during The Call, I think. Whatever song it was, it was really fucking hot. Nick was all up in Howie's face and grabbing the front of his shirt, and then they were back to giggling and Howie made that "isnt he nuts, y'all?" face that he does a LOT around Nick. There was just a general amount of giggling last night.
- When they were sitting up on the stairs during Drowning, Howie was petting Nick! So cute! Nick was loving it, too. :D
- AJ was a chatterbox up on those stairs, man. He and Kevin smirked at each other and talked a lot, and when Kevin walked down the stairs, AJ moved right on to Nick. Hee!
- When AJ was drawing out the last "honey, that's no lie" in INBYH (OMG SO PRETTY! I COULD ACTUALLY HEAR THAT!), Kevin walked up behind him and did this little pirouette-tapdance move that I can't describe but it looked absolutely ridiculous. BWAHAHA! Oh, KEVIN.
- Nick leaned so far into Brian at one point that I thought he was gonna start licking his neck. He looked like he was about to! I think Nick had his face buried in AJ's neck at one point as well. Nick is all about those necks.
- My God, the amount of teasing that was going on around the piano almost killed me dead. Howie and Kevin were grinning at each other, Brian kept BUGGING Howie and Howie was loving every minute of it (they walked out together for the encore, too, and even THEN they were giggling and messing with each other - THE LOVE, PEOPLE), and AJ and Howie started laughing at each other out of NOWHERE. I'm thinking they did something to each other under the piano. Shut up, a girl can dream.
- Howie was everyone's favorite toy in general last night, it seems. I'm not complaining.
- During Weird World, when they sang the bridge, Nick was starting to walk away when Brian held on to him and pulled him back. And he just KEPT holding on to Nick and looking at him as he sang, and when Nick got to the 'beautiful smile' part, Brian started beaming. So Nick grabbed his face and displayed The Beautiful Smile to everyone. OMGSOCUTE! Nick did it with AJ, too, except he wasn't asking for it like Brian was. :D
- Howie leaned into Brian at the piano! LEANED!
- AJ and Brian. Oh, AJ and Brian. Aside from the cutecuteCUTE moment they have in Climbing the Walls (arms around shoulders! You and I together now!), they did an almost syncronized robot dance at the top of the stairs. Bwah! And they started running towards each other in slow motion, y'know, like they do in corny romance movies? They did that. :D
- They generally had a lot of moments where they just looked at each other and simultaneously started doing a little jig. Non-verbal communication! *squeaks*
- They were the last ones to stay at the top of the stairs during Drowning, and during AJ's solo Brian leaned into him - I swear he was THIS close to resting his head on AJ's shoulder - and just looked at him adoringly. BIG deer eyes, dude. I died a really lot.
- When they were sitting at the piano, Brian looked at AJ for the LONGEST time and AJ didn't notice. Brian just had this little smile on his face, and when AJ finally looked (it took at least half a minute), Brian's smile spread so slowly until it was finally a full grin that reached his ears. Oh my God, it was beautiful.

All right. I think that's it! Right, okay, this turned into a mini novel. *happy sigh* best night ever, seriously. I had so much fun.

- During soundcheck, Brian felt the need to explain to us that there would be a pyro during JWYTK. With BIG hands gestures and you could see him going, "THERE'S GONNA BE A PYRO, Y'ALL. A PYRO!" He's so excited about that thing. Hee!
- The best AJ-loves-the-crowd moment was when the opening chords to IWITW started, and we all FREAKED OUT. And AJ just ... God, he beamed. He looked so happy.
- The Never Gone video was my favorite. I really loved that one. I loved it so much that I didn't even notice Kevin had walked out on stage until the video was over.
- Brian MOONWALKED! Well, he tried to, anyway. *LOL*

concerts: backstreet boys, boys: the general backstreet tag

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