I have lots of new lovely friends, so hi! I'm really not all that interesting, but I totally pretend to be. \o/
My name is Mette, I just turned 23 last week, and I mostly keep this journal fandom only. Capslock is my dearest friend! I should mention, which I don't think I did in the friending meme, that I'm still all about popslash, more specifically Backstreet, and will probably talk about them frequently! You can totally always join me in that if you want, but if not, you know what to do. :D
I don't even know, you guys. I've watched the videos and looked at all the pictures, and I got so verklempt. It was amazing seeing him with them again. I don't mind them being four, but seeing Kevin sidle up to AJ for their harmonizing part in SOMH made my heart swell about five sizes. It was like old times. :*( And Mason! With his adorable blond little head. And Kristin being cute with AJ. GOD.
I just wanted to commemorate this somehow. AND ALSO BRIAN IN A WIFEBEATER, OKAY? I AM SHALLOW AND I EMBRACE IT.
Also, you guys. ANDY HURLEY, OKAY? He's being so post-happy at the new FC forum and he gets the most random-ass questions, but then he responded to this one about why he hates interviews but likes communicating with fans through twitters and forums.
well, to expand on what i said in twitter...the interviews the band does are 99 percent the same questions everytime, and often times we do interview after interview...i cant just smile and pretend that i care about what im saying after saying the same thing over and over, in different ways. so i let everyone else do it. and i dont really have anything to say about pete's lyrics, cause he wrote them, so i cant answer those questions. and patrick writes the majority of the music, so i dont like answering those either. i answer them and know alot about the answers when its just me being interviewed alone, but if the dude is right there, id rather not speak for them.
so theres that. theres also the fact that talking to you guys is real. youre asking me things because you care about the things youre asking, and you care to get an answer. some interviewer works for a magazine or paper or whatever, and they dont actually care about the interview. not always, as there's alot of great interviews and journalists...but usually. so its meaningless and empty alot of times. not to mention it doesnt really go deep in any meaningful sense. but talking to you guys is really meaningful to me. i care about your questions. and vice versa i think.
i just remember when i was a kid, and think what it would be like if some dude from a band i liked was this open...and i think of all the questions i wouldve had. i wondered what life was really like from my favorites bands point of view...what their world was really like. i wanted to know everything from what drums a dude used, to if they were straightedge or vegan (or still edge or vegan), what books they read, did they read comics, movies, etc... i always wanted to know the true story. and this is my chance to give that to someone who cares enough to ask me. it connects me with that part of my life, and reminds me everyday why i do this and why i love this band, and why i love my friends, and why i love life. and why i love you guys, our fans, and just the ability to share experiences like this.
so thats why.
Jumping so many steps up the cool ladder? SEEMINGLY IMPOSSIBLE, BUT IT TOTALLY JUST HAPPENED, HURLEY.