Wow, I just. 50 comments on a teeny tiny ficlet! That blows my mind. More people like Waycest than I thought. :D But HUGE thank yous to those of you who left comments, I really appreciate it.
I am beyond amused that my school handed me my exam assignment on a paper written with Comic Sans MS. Comic Sans, people. For exam papers. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
I don't know why, but lately I've been so media-crazy. I've set up
bubblesnaps because I like to take pictures of random things and didn't want to spam my flist with it. Then I set up a
YouTube account for my new obsession, which is fanvidding! I made a
trailer! IT'S FUN, YOU GUYS. No one seems to get that. :(
You guys should check out this
Welcome Home interview with Brian, because I'd never seen it before and they actually ask him some pretty interesting questions. Also, he says "HOWARD!" and I love it when he calls Howie Howard in that amused voice of his.
I have this sudden urge to read old school het Mary Sue fics. Stuff where Nick bumps into a girl on the street and he invites her backstage to one of their concerts and they fall in love and there are conflicts and PINING and then big, romantic kisses when they find each other again and the rest of the Boys are two-dimensional sidekicks who do slap-stick comedy in the background. Oh, I draw hearts.