
Jul 12, 2007 12:36

so after being nudged numerous times by *ahem, i think you know who you are...* i have decided to do something about it. i'm making a post and now since school is out i will try oh-so-very-hard (pfft. we all know how those turn out) to stay in touch.

i think a lot of it is that i've become an extremely introverted person lately. i enjoy being a hermit a little too much. i keep to myself. i don't enjoy talking, sharing stuff about me. i just like this whole alone time. i don't know. it sounds unhealthy a bit doesn't it? it's just the way i am. i've never been one who wants to go out and do things. but i feel like the least i could do is let it all out on lj.

so here's a catch up. school's over. got my report card. my marks?
biology IB 25 -> 81
chemistry IB 25 -> 84
english 10-1 -> 87
pure math 10 -> 85
science 10 -> 87
social studies 10 -> 91
french 20 -> 89
applied graphic arts 15 -> 86
jazz dance 25 -> 90

not too shabby. i guess i'm pretty proud. thank goodness for art options. which i don't get next year because of IB. friends encouraged me to try full IB and so here i am stuck with a full schedule without any options. grrrr.... oh well.

let's see next, work. i hate working on weekdays. i really enjoy sticking to working on weekends. but no. my manager has listening issues and totally disregards my preferences. it's crap. i then i was like, ok, sure if you schedule me on weekdays can i get the shifts from 11-4 or 11-3 because then i don't have to take the bus. to get to work, it's an hour bus ride which i think is ridiculous plus the price of bus fares, don't get me started. again with the listening issues. i go to work the next day and she's scheduled me for 12-5 and 1-5!!! oh yeah and she convienently gone on vacation so i can't talk to her. i really don't like working.

best part of the summer? harry potter. went to see it last night. it was so amazing!!! i honestly think it was the best of all the harry potter movies. the director david yates, i felt like he really captured the essence of harry potter. as for the new screenwriter, michael goldenberg i apologize to him. i really had my doubts at first since steve kloves the original screenwriter was doing so well since he had developed such a close relationship with JK. but goldenberg amazed me. he did a fantastic job of condensing 759 pages into 138 minutes while still keeping the core of order of the phoenix at bay. also i think all the actors have grown tremendously. i've never truly been an emma watson fan but even in this film it was quite good. i was thouroghly impressed.
and now to wait for the final book. eight days from now. i've stocked up on tissues. i'm ready for anything that JK decides to throw at me. i recently saw an interview with JK Rowling and her words scared me. it's not like none of us knew it was going to happen but to hear these next words come out of JK Rowling's mouth just put me into shock. "I think that Harry's story comes to quite a clear end in book 7" i know this has more than one meaning but still, i was aghast! i couldn't believe it! well at least not with the conclusion i was jumping to. i know this has multiple meaning but still...!!! either way i'm still really really excitied to read the final book. i remember as i was reading throught the cirque du freak series by darren shan i couldn't wait until the end and when i finally finished i was so sad. the ending was nothing the way i would have ever imagined. and as i was reading it was so thrilling. but then whe i finished it was over no more waiting. and i don't know if it's going to be like this for harry potter or not. i'd really like to think not because harry potter has become such a huge epic among the fans that there are still ways to keep his story alive.

anyways. i think i'm all typed up for now.
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