Nov 02, 2004 20:25
I'm updating now cause I don't plan on doing it the rest of the semester. I made an awesome color coded chart about all the stuff I have to do before the end of the semester. (which is a whole lot) Waste of time? Probably. Fun? Yes it was.
I voted today, yahoo. We went at 3:45ish and didn't get done until 5:30. Yeah. They had one boothe for thousands of people. We found ways to entertain ourselves, sorta. It was so long that it got to the point when one of us said something, it was hilarious. Ya know how that happens? When i finally got up there I was all like I don't know how to do this voting boothe thing. I was a little confused, but it really wasn't hard to figure out. I feel accomplished.
Guard started Monday night. (teaching junior high guard in case you didn't know) A bit of a commute, but I enjoy it :). And I felt like I was helping so I liked that. Being an instructor is quite different. A whole different world. But it was fun. Should be a great season.
This weekend will be my last weekend at school for quite a while cause of practices. Which is fine with me, cause weekends are really boring here.
I guess nothing else is really going on. Just lots of stuff schoolwise coming up. Stuff due, tests, projects, all that fun stuff.
Also, <3 to Amy!