I don't know why...O_O

May 19, 2008 01:11

I don't know what it is...

^^ But there's this tingly pleasant feeling that's been running through me ever since yesterday.

...In love with the world!! <3

I feel like singing!
*Summertime is fast approaching
*Yesterday was a lovely, lovely day to set the mood for all the tomorrows, because it made me realize how lucky I am to have had all the experiences I had this year!
*Vacations = exciting adventures! Florida, HK, camping with friends!
*Coordinator retreat in August--new coords! <3 Exciting times to come with coord class and team~
*Did I mention that yesterday was a great start to the beginning of a last week with all the people I've had the pleasure of meeting and loving this year?
*Happy songs and movies!
*Inspiration to write and read!
*Chapter 2 of "Notebooks" is almost ready for posting!!

I had a pretty corny dream two nights ago about getting 53 reviews for my story. x___X And then I woke up and checked my e-mail. Three new messages...haha ^^ <3 Oh well~

The only thing I worry about are the changes that will come with the new school year come three months from now...but I'll do my best over the summer, and go from there. Yosh!

AND there was a question that I encountered, that I would like to ask all of you, a really horrible question that I absolutely detested (for OBVIOUS reasons)...>__<
If you could only do one for the rest of your life, which would you do?

T_____T That's not a fair question at all. That's like asking which way you want to die, immolation or death by flames. They are the same, agonizing death, LITERALLY. But let me know! I'd like to hear your thoughts on that.


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