Know those little moments when you just feel so good inside that you want to write it down so you can look back and say, "Aha! Moments of good feelings do exist!"
Well, starting this quarter, I began doing a Wall of Smiles.
This Wall consists of post-its--one for every day--of one thing that has made me smile, laugh, or generally feel giddy with happiness. It can be a tiny thing--for example, finding out that me and my roommate's very academic request through interlibrary loan for the Tangled DVD has been SUMMARILY DENIED--or something bigger, like getting invited to board game night with a completely new group of people, for no reason whatsoever than that the passing acquaintance really liked your conversations together.
I already know what today's Smile Post-It is going to say:
Sitting on a wooden bridge in the middle of a botanical garden with feet dangling over the water watching turtles swimming around and eating falafels with my English buddy Jordan
(Obligatory food photo time? I think so!)
Just some delicious cheesecake chunk swirl brownies!
(By the way, one thing I'm disappointed about here is the dearth of outlets for my baking. Okay, so I'm poor now and probably shouldn't be wasting copious amounts of money on the enterprise, but I really want excuses to bake! I totally make excuses, too. Example: Oh look, I've been invited to a board game night. Hm, I don't really know these people that well. I SHOULD BAKE.
Anyway, it seems like everywhere I turn it's either a) nobody brings stuff, or b) EVERYBODY brings stuff, and then I'm screwed because, yes, people like the food, but it doesn't particular stand out as "Ala-is-the-baking-goddess!" food that I'm used to hearing about (only because I was the only one always baking for people, not because it was particularly amazing--my ego isn't quite that big to be all self-congratulatory...yet).
Anyway, bit of a bummer, but I'm gradually easing into other things besides school now, so maybe there's still hope!)