(no subject)

Oct 30, 2005 00:35

VM Fic
Title: Another Take on the beginning (Ch.1)
Author: Bubblebear488
Pairing/characters: Logan, Veronica, Mr.& Mrs. Echolls, Other
Word count: ?
Rating: PG-13
Summary: another take on how everything came to be AU, with bits of actual events from the first season.
Spoilers: Season one, but mostly AU
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the original VM characters Rob does, however the others are mine so BACK OFF! just kidding, Rob Thomas is King!

There was a clear blue sky with the sun shinning overhead as the distant cries from a close park broke the silence of the afternoon drive. They had just arrived in Neptune, after leaving the house checking to make sure the movers hadn’t messed up any of their things they decided to make their way into town to as their dad said ‘mingle’. They found a quaint ice cream shop and decided to stop the limo and hop out. The park was in an uproar across the street as the crowd cheered for what looked like a girls soccer game.

It was over and the victorious team in white and green jerseys were jumping up in down in complete bliss. The crowd dispersed getting into their fancy over priced cars and drove back to their placial mansions. Awe yes Neptune was the playground for the rich and powerful, not too different from LA.

We walked into the door as the bell overhead rang, indicating some new business. The whispers could already be heard from the people occupying the tables. Yep it would hit the gossip super high way by noon ‘The Echolls’ were in town.

The family chose their favorite flavors and sat into the round booth in the corner. A couple of overeager teenage girls walked up with some paper and pens they snagged from the pimple faced kid behind the counter. They were breathing heavily as their anxiety shot through the roof, meeting the infamous Aaron and Lynn Echolls.

“Can….can… we have your autograph” one girl sighed tilting her head to the side in a admiring stare.

“Sure who can we make it out to” Aaron replied hiding his slight frustration with fans and putting on his million dollar cheesy smile.

“Candice” the brunette replied looking over his shoulder as he scribbled on the piece of paper before handing it to his wife.

“Rebecca” the other one breathed, obviously the shy one of the two.

“Here you go” Lynn smiled handing the girls the papers back.

“Thank you” they giggled walking away and chatting about their unbelievable luck. Yes the wonderful world of being an Echolls.

Just then the bell chimed and they looked back at the door as whole girls soccer team walked in. They made their way to the counter and pulled out their money from their pockets. Celebrating their victory over the sneaky, abusive sun devils. Aaron took his chance to impress the new community making his way up to the kid behind the counter and announcing to the whole place that the winning teams’ ice cream was on him. All the girls swooned at the mans gesture as well as the man himself. All but one.

She was shorter, with long blonde hair pulled into tight braided pigtails that ran down the fronts of her shoulders. She had on a white and green jersey with matching shorts, knee high white socks with a green stripe down the sides and white tennis shoes.

Logan got up from the booth and made his way toward her, she was different she wasn’t falling for his fathers bullshit. And to him that was everything he needed in a friend.

“Hi I’m Logan” he said with a small smile. He was never one to be nervous and shy, always the one to step up and make the first attempt. That is what you get being raised in Hollywood.

She smiled a twinkle of innocence, and shyness. “Veronica” she said taking his hand and shaking it gently.

“So you live here?” he asked looking around and finding it utterly amusing that she wasn’t swooning over his parents.

“Born and raised.” She said with a giggle.

A voice cleared behind them they spun around to see a girl, she was 12 with short auburn hair and a body that most 16 year olds dream of. She has a eager smile happy to be able to meet someone new.

“Hi I’m Gabriel” she said pulling out her hand, to the new person.

Veronica took it and a smile spread across her face, she was always happy to meet someone new, especially a girl, and even more a NICE girl.

“Veronica Mars…. Gabriel Echolls my sis” Logan joked swinging around his twin sisters shoulders.
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