Another take on the beggining ch19

May 10, 2006 17:20

Title: Another Take on the beginning (Ch.19)
Author: Bubblebear488
Pairing/characters: Logan, Veronica, lilly, gabby, duncan, meg
Word count: ?
Rating: PG-13
Summary: another take on how everything came to be AU, with bits of actual events from the first season.
Spoilers: Season one, but mostly AU
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the original VM characters Rob does, however the others are mine so BACK OFF! just kidding, Rob Thomas is King!

Previous chapters (1-18)
(ch.1)(ch.2)(ch.3) (ch.4) (ch.5)(ch.6)(ch.7)(ch.8)(ch.9)(ch.10)(ch.11)(ch.12)(ch.13)(ch.14)(ch.15)(ch.16)(ch.17)(ch.18)

“This was all I could find” Duncan said softly handing Veronica the cup of coffee he had gotten from one of the nurses at the Nurses Station.

“Thanks” she replied her voice low, she took a sip, choking a bit at the bitter stale taste. She sat back her hand returning to its place stroking Logan’s hair while he slept his head in her lap.

It had been three hours since they brought gabby in, everyone except for Logan, Veronica, Duncan, and Lilly left. Lynn was still in L.A. when they called and she told her what happened, she assured them she was coming in the next morning since Gabby was in stable condition. Lynn told the kids to go home and get some sleep but the foursome would not budge. After some pleading, and in the end bribing, the nurses let them stay past visiting hours in the waiting room across the hall from Gabby’s hospital room.

Veronica was still coming down from her high and couldn’t get to sleep. Duncan decided to stay up and keep her company, while Logan and Lilly took the first shift of sleep, so that at all times someone would be awake to hear any news the nurses and or doctors had.

“So how are you?” Duncan said taking a seat.

“fine, I guess, i'm still trying to process everything.” She said looking down and watching her hands move across Logan’s brown hair.

“Do you believe him?” Duncan asked following her gaze.

“That he didn’t mean to hurt her?” she asked a little surprised at his question, Duncan nodded his head. She thought about it for a bit trying to find the right words.

“Do you remember that party that Logan and Gabby had the weekend their parents were out, when we were twelve.” She asked and Duncan looked confused. “the one where Lilly had me and Logan play two minutes in heaven.”

“Awe yes, the one where the Echoll’s came home early.” He said nodding his head in recollection and smiling at the memories of how reckless they all were.

“After we all left Logan tried to take the fall for the party, but Gabby spoke up saying that Logan didn’t even come until the very end taking all the credit.” She said looking down a grim expression on her face.

“Why?” he asked confused.

“Because she knew that Aaron wouldn’t hurt her as bad” she said cringing a bit at the idea.

“Hurt?...” he said confused until realization set in, he stared off into space, his mouth agape in horror. ‘Aaron is going to prison for abuse you idiot’ he internally yelled at himself.

“now that is love on a whole different level then you or I have ever faced, so no, I don’t think that Logan would ever intentionally harm his sister.” She said trying hard to hold back the rest of the tears that tried to come out.

“I know, I guess I just had to hear it from someone else,” he said looking across the hall at the hospital room door.

“When did he tell you that?” He asked.

“The night Aaron was arrested, we talked while we waited for Gabby to come home, he told me about the abuse or at least what he wanted me to know, I know he was holding some things back” she replied. It was silent while they booth let the words sink in. Their friends, their best friends were abused while growing up, and they were all oblivious to it. Veronica looked back in her mind for anything to say.

“I am glad you were there to help tonight,” she said looking back at him.

“I am too,” he said returning her gaze.

“So how is Meg?” When a conversation gets too sensitive, it is always a good idea to change it.

“Good, she has been babysitting a lot lately,” he said with a small laugh.

“And I hear you go with her a lot,” she added slyly.

“Who told you that?”

“A little birdie,” she teased.

“Oh, well that little birdie has a big mouth,” he said looking over his shoulder at Lilly who was laying down on the couch.

Just then a nurse walked down the hall her white tennis shoes skidding along the floor. She smiled at the group before entering Gabby’s room a clip board in her hands. A couple minutes later she entered back into the hall and made her way over to talk to them. Veronica nudged Logan awake while Duncan walked over to wake Lilly. Logan rose into a sitting position, looking at the nurse like her next words were the meaning of life.

“She’s awake, she asked if anyone was here and I told her about her band of groupies waiting outside.” She smiled as Logan let out the breath he had been holding. “now I only want one at a time, make it quick I need her to get some rest,” the nurse instructed shaking her finger at the teens but a smile still present on her face.

“Thank you nurse Hensing” Logan said standing up and walking across the hall. He hesitated his hand on the doorknob as he summed up all the courage he had left to face her.

When he entered the room the first things he saw was the white walls, and noisy machines in the corner chiming away with the rhythm of her heart beat. Then he let his eyes settle on the bed. She looked so weak and pale. Looking up she smiled, giving him the strength to come closer and sit down on the edge of the bed. He took her hand into his and stroked his thumb across the top of it softly.

“Hey bugaboo” he said with a small laugh, as he watched her cringe at the old nickname bestowed on her by their Grandma Lester when she was five.

“Hey slick” she retorted, the name given to him from the same wacky woman.

They were silent for a moment each taking the time to come up with something to say.

“Do you want to tell me what happened?” he asked.

She looked off into the distance for a second before nodding slightly, taking a deep breath and began her tale, how she felt dizzy, how Dick left getting her water, and how some guy took her somewhere, then she began to choke a bit on the details about how helpless she felt with him putting his hands on her and not being able to do anything about it.

Logan took her into his arms and held her as she sobbed, he waited until she stopped shaking and let go looking at her bright eyes and preying their was some other explanation for how she got so helpless.

“I need to tell you something,” he said looking at his hands and twirling his thumbs, a habit he had when he was guilty about something.

“I’m not going to like this am I?” she asked with a slight tease.

“I'm the one who put the drugs in your cup,” he admitted getting up off the bed, pacing back and forth in front of her.

“What?” she asked in disbelief.

“I never meant for anything to happen, I just thought it would help to ease some of the tension.” He said looking at the ground as he paced. “I just wanted you to have some fun” he said sounding so weak and pitiful.

She looked at him with mixed emotions, she should feel disgusted and betrayed. But for some sick reason should felt relieved, it was him that did it, not some sick horny teenager, and maybe a little flattered that he was trying to help her, that he cared that she was unhappy.

“What I did was wrong” he continued, “I'm hoping you know I would never want to hurt you,” he said not being able to look at her.

“I know Logan” she said her voice a bit choked. “Come here” she said patting the place where he previously vacated on her bed.

He took a seat and finally let himself look at her. “I know you love me Logan, I know you would never have done this if you knew I was going to get hurt in the process,” she said taking his hand.

“I love you, Gabrielle.” He said, she was the only one in the world with a big enough heart to forgive someone who put her in the hospital, he loved her for that.

“I love you too Logan” she said leaning her head in and kissing his forehead.

After a couple more minutes of talking Logan finally left letting Lilly go in next. Duncan went to go call his parents and tell them that he and Lilly would be coming home after they went in to say goodbye.

Logan walked up to Veronica and pulled her into a huge hug. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him a little too tight, to reassure him that everything was okay between them.

“She forgave me” he whispered.

“I knew she would” she whispered back, pulling back a bit to kiss her. When his lips met hers it was like being transported into a different place. One void of danger, tragedy, mayhem, and was just the two of them.

“How do you do that?” he asked breathlessly.

“Do what?” she asked in the same voice.

“Make every doubt and worry in my mind disappear” he smiled.

“Old Jedi mind trick” she winked.

“O really?” he asked with a smirk.

“Uh huh and now I am going to use it to make you kiss me again” she teased leaning in and capturing his lips in another kiss.

“The force is with you small one” he laughed.
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