"When Diddy is off a yacht for more than two days, he turns into a werewolf."

Mar 31, 2009 21:57

So, as you know, yesterday was the anniversary of my fiance's birth. In honor of the occasion, I went to work! Then I bought some flowers and an awesome Lego thing, even though I swore he wasn't allowed anymore until we figure out what to do with it all. Also, a Domo-kun with bunny ears. While I'm still weirded out by the whole Domo and Target thing, I still partake when the mood is right.

We went out to dinner and had amazing food at Benihana, where it was everyone else's birthday too! Or so it seemed. Then we went back to Target and then home for pie. There are pictures I'll maybe add to Flickr at some point...

I'm excited about this weekend because for the first time in what feels like forever, I have a weekend day off! Kristofer and I are going up to Estes Park and staying in a nice room with a hot tub for the night and then frolicking in the snow in the National Park or whatever we feel like on Sunday. It's going to be awesome!!!

So at work we recently acquired a new manager, Dania. She is originally from Mexico and has a rather thick accent. Her English is fine though so it doesn't really get in the way. Plus I really like the way she says "Potato Chips". Anyway, it was around 2 or so and we were slow, as we often are at that time on weekdays so I ran to the bathroom and asked Dania to watch the register for me. When I came back, she was helping a customer so I went over to see if I could help her with anything (toast a bagel, make a coffee drink, whatever) since the customer had already paid but was still milling around the registers. When I get back to my post at the register, I hear the customer is giving Dania "advice" on her accent. The woman, who sounded like she was from the Midwest, said something about how Dania should work on her pronuication and stuff and mentioned that she had "once been in her posistion". It was the kind of thing that I would have been offended by if I had been in her place, but Dania just smiled and turned the conversation to the fact that since she can speak two languages, her family thinks she should be in some other line of work that better utilized that ability. The customer said "Like what?" and there was a pause so I said "Social work," and they both laughed and went "NO!" like I had suggested working the sewers. The customer then made some comment, I honestly can't remember what, but it had something to do with dealing with "those" people and not getting paid at all (like social workers shouldn't be paid). They went on to say how terrible it would be work in a hospital because you're surrounded by sick people and have to tell kids they're dying all the time.

I'm recounting this story because this is the first time in a long time I've gotten that reaction about social work. I know those people are still out there but people seem to react favorably when I mention going into social work and wanting to be a social worker. It's been a while since I got that kind of social-workers-take-kids-away-and-that's-it kind reaction from people. And the thing about the hospitals, while it's true, was just so...rude it seemed.

This, for whatever reason, reminds me of a thought that has been going through my head a lot in these troubled times. We are a society run by sociopaths. I don't yet want to say we are a society of sociopaths, because that's too terrifying to come to terms with. But it just bothers me how the people in charge of companies and the people on Wall Street and many people in the government seem to have such a disregard for everyone else and don't see that as a problem. I was listening to an episode of Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me! today and the celebrity type person was someone who does financial news for NPR and the New York Times. He said he knows some of the people at AIG who got those crazy bonuses and that they aren't sorry at all. And right before that, he stated these same people were not the "bad ones" that people talk about. I'm not saying they're evil I just...

I don't know how much sense I'm making because I'm pretty achy and tired and have one of my earaches but it's all been in my head and on my mind and such so I'm getting it out. Anyway, I'm going to look forward to my weekend for now.

rant, work, birthday

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