colored_image; I'm leaving here at about 5:15 to go to Boston for dinner and a little bit of shopping (maybe a present because I love you so much!) ^--^ We're taking the 11:30 train home so, I should be back around midnight-ish. I don't know if you have to go to bed early because you have stuff to do Sunday, but, since I am totally addicted to the boys I am muchly willing to write when I get back. If we can't then, I'll just have to wait until Sunday.. but tis all up to your schedule~~!♥ Luff! [even though I know for sure now that you will be on when I get back!! yay boys!! they consume me! xD]
keepspinning; I will keep thinking on a name for our comm thing...and possibly a character? heheh
Ich werde sehr über dieses aufgeregt! und, Ich bin für dieses sehr viel besorgt! weeeee~! *spin* I love that I can practice my German with you! *squee*
theshadowlover; Don't worry about driving...I'm sure you did fine. If not, I'll take out my crossbow (XDDD) and shot shoot everyone that bothered you on the road! :D