Sep 26, 2006 11:39
Apologies everyone but I had to do a mini friends cut. I really didn't want to but I feel horrible if I can't find the time to actually sit down and read your entries seriously.
So, as unfortunate as it may be, you were cut because:
o1. I had no idea who you were nor did you ever comment to let me get to know you
o2. You never update
o3. I felt as if we didn't connect
I'm terribly sorry to all of you that did get cut, but, if you seriously want to stick around, just comment. I'll be more than happy to add you back as long you're active (posting and commenting) because I didn't do it because I didn't like you anymore it was simply becuase my friends page was filling up with entries that I just couldn't read or I was looking at the username trying to figure out who you were or where we met.
If you got cut and don't want to be cut...simply comment here. :D
friends cut