Well I think moving to California is a great idea. I have nothing going for my career field currently, aside from what I call "freelance", which is only me running around with my expensive camera, snapping things that I can tool around with in Photoshop.
I have a beautiful and amazing girlfriend, and all of these trinkets, so why not "leave home" and finally get on with my life. Sure coming back was a exciting, due to the fact that these past several months have been my "post College-finally Summer Vacation" considering I had merely a month off within the 21 months of the teachings I ate up over the course of Full Sail Real World (but now called University) Education.
I love The Dark Knight, and I think it deserves to be #1 on IMDb's top 250 right now. The Godfather and Shawshank Redemption have had their time, and it's amusing to see the douche-nuggets (yeah I went there) to try and persuade fellow board members that these movies should be a step up on Christopher Nolan's masterpiece with getting into "circle jerk gatherings" and find as many people as possible to give 9 and 10's to it, although they've clearly already done it multiple times before. Heath Ledger definitely went out on his best performance, and with the other wonderful things that lead up to the movie being a huge success, such as: Hans Zimmer (my favorite composer) smacking our ear drums with another brilliant piece of music inquired through out the film, and the fact that it's not the cheesy, redundant, clown-like World of Tim Burton's Vision, I still believe these "dark" series are much more entertaining, and let alone better.
Anyways, It's my Mum's birthday today, and it was bad ass, well not the fact that it's been "Camper's Weekend" , the biggest fucking tourist Season in Maine ever, and the fact that we did over 200 reservations since Thursday, is mind blowing, and painful. We all went out the The Armory, which is the bar connected to The Regency in Portland, and it was sick! My parent's are regulars there, so we had a huge table set up with cheeses and drinks all ready for us when we went over there around 11:30 pm. We stayed until last call, then went up to one of our other waiter's house and partied until 2:30 am. It was definitely fun. The night ended with us back at Maria's playing Mario Kart on their 64, which is never a poor decision.
I've been saving money for the big move, which should be early next year at some point, but I have come to realize who are truly friends, and whom are just restraints pushing me away from my ultimate goal. Turning 21 up here with my boys was definitely worth the wait though, but there has been a lot of bullshit, but then again a lot of happiness through these days since coming back. I appreciate the lot of you that have given this soul some good times and well definitely enjoy the company for the remaining days dwindling down to yet another "see you later".
On a total random note, there was a monsterous thunder storm over head before I wrote this, and lightning hit our biggest tree in our front yard, causing it to explode and send limbs and burnt pieces of bark in every direction and surprisingly not taking out my car, our house, as well none of the pets. The bang was so loud that it was as if a canon was shot off right within touching distance, and I fell out of my chair.
This yet again concludes an out of nowhere posting from Drew Buerhaus on Live Journal.