Oct 05, 2005 21:17
Not much happening here
*Those stupid quizes have made me think way to much... '
*im falling for a certain boy i should like but do cause he is in a class with me
*given up on my previous crush, still adore him, but i dont think he likes me, just likes using me.
*actually doing well in school, all Bs except German, T.A., and Band, lol
*Band tour for the middle schools on Friday, no classes except 6th hour,
*im so tired, i wish i could sleep for like 5 days..
*i wanna do sumtin so badly, but wont cause i know its wrong
*make that two things, but this one the person would slap me for doing.
* i slept wrong last night my body hurts
* im in a complaining mood
*my head has hurt all week
*i think my knee is about to pop outta place again, thus meaning have horrible pain, and not be in a good mood for the next few days