Jul 01, 2006 23:09
to the girls
this is my tribute to the nice girls.
to the nice girls who are overlooked.
who become friends.
and nothing more.
who spend hours fixating upon thier looks.
and their personalities and their actions.
because it must be something they are doing wrong.
this is for the girls who dont give up on a first date.
who dont want to play mind games.
who provide a comforting hug.
and a supportive audience for a story they've heard.
a thousand times.
this is for the girls who flirt and laugh and worry and obsess over.
the slightest glance or whisper.
because somehow they are able to keep alive that hope.
that maybe.
maybe this time he'll have understood.
this is for the girls who laugh out loud often.
the ones who are comfortable in shirts and sweats and combat boots.
to the ones who care more than they should for the guys who.
dont deserve their attention.
this is to the girls who have been.
told that they are to smart or too good, or too pretty.
who have beenn given a compliments of a way of .
breaking off a relationship.
to those who have been told they are only wanted as a friend.
so dont say you're looking for a relationship.
relationships take time and energy and intent.
three things we're willing to extend.
but in return we're looking for compassion and loyalty and trust.