Nov 10, 2006 21:59
As ever I have been reluctant to update on my life - not that I have anything to hide, more that I didnt have much to say that isn't similar to everyone elses entry in a long time.
+/- So parents have moved south a couple of weeks ago, still not moved into their uber huge house as yet but should be within the next month or so.
- I am still not enjoying my job due to an arse at work who has a huge attitude and controlling problem and insists on treating me as 'his assistant/dogs body' I cleared it up with my team leader who when I asked 'What is my job role exactly' and have asked for training on different areas in my dept. so that I dont have to work with that creep too much. It's not just that, one minute he;s cool the next minute he ignores me when i need to ask him questions, and answers other peoples questions first. the fact that he takes the piss out of my accent and me constantly...........then can see that I have nothing to do having asked him and everyone else in the dept if they need any help, but when I have been given something to do he seems to want me to stop everything that I am doing and help him out. argh ........and it goes on moan moan moan.
- Plus I have had a stomach bug for the past 3 days so have been off of workm much to idiots annoyance - yeah he suddenly needs me now............... - but I am still on back to work on Monday to see if I still have a job - I am on a friends t'internet at the moment looking for new jobs as I such luck tho.
+ However, My business plan is finally into action - now that I have started it I feel a whole lot better, it's gonna be a swell deal if i pull it off........Need a lot of help though!
+/- Flat is really nice though and have settled in nicely - though dont have many visitors....which is a shame.
- Davey is feeling really down due to his split from his girlfriend, he's really cut up about it and me and David have been trying to motivate him into silly activities such as building a fort/new crib for KINGSTON AND FRIENDS out of cardboard boxes ....... - will post photos as soon as I managed to get Davey to sit down for 5 minutes and make 'the call'.......and get it set-up. +++
- Found out from my doctor that i've been on the wrong doasge of thyroxine for over 6 months......qhich explains a lot of things - also talked through my problems of work, personal life and she wants me to have councelling..........I'm not depressed, just a bit stressed out!
+ I am really happy apart from job. Me and David have spent more time together recently, which is uber nice and he now has a set of keys for the flat.
- Anyways must go as this must be utterly boring to be reading.
-/+ If anyone knows of any decent jobs in admin/media/entertainment - mainly television! which is more than £13,500 in the city (Glasgow) then please do let me know!!
ttfn! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx plus if ya wanna come see my new flat sometime.......or need a place to stay the night just sent me a txt - can get my number from my brother or email me!