[ooc:handwriting appears rushed]
This is so confusifying!! How can words can just appear out of nowhere and hang in the air like this? And why wold I want to ATTACK someone? This is absolutly shameful! These magical floaty words are advertising violence, that's what its doing!
How was I supposed to know that LICK meant I'd actually--THAT WAS SOOOO DISGUSTING!
I nealy choked on my own wages, I'Ll have you know and I WORKed Hard For ThAt...Coin... Now what do I do? I mean, that Was Going to a new...something. I was going to buy something with tat! Something PRETTY! Maybe somE Glitter! OHHHH THAT would be nice. Som many things to buy, and there I go swallowing money! Shamesful, West would be scold me, I know she would.
Hee. She turns really GREEN when she's angry. Like a Artichoke. The artichoke is steamed!!
...Hmm....What was I saying?
Ah yes, this is absolutely horrendable, someone needs to censor the MagicaL Word Making People, because honEstly ThIs isn't Even...very.....Logical....ITEM, what does that mean?
Why FLoating Words? Why Not useful, soft...things...LIKE FeAthers....or Bubbles.
....Oh my. I don't feel SO weLl.
[ooc:Yeah so I'm going with the logic that she swallowed a wooden coin when she licked it. Blonds are special. According to the FAQ she's gonna be
pretty sick for a while.]