I Voted! and LiveBlogging

Nov 04, 2008 16:39

Hubby and I dropped our ballots off this afternoon after we picked Cody up from school. We took care of some PTA stuff, and Tink (my laptop) and I are curled up on the couch glued to the TV with a bunch of tabs and widgets open, and will probably remain here for the next several hours.

I am thrilled and in awe to see so many "I Voted" posts on LJ tonight. Even if you voted for the other guy, I'm just so inspired by the sheer number of people who have gotten out and participated in the process this year.


5:00pm PST

Vermont (3 Electoral Votes) - Obama
Kentucky (8 Electoral Votes) - McCain
South Carolina (8 Electoral Votes) - McCain
West Virginia (5 Electoral Votes) - McCain

Obama 3/270
McCain 21/270

5:20pm PST

I'm adding the MSNBC Widget to the post.

political post, election 08

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