LJ Idol Week 3 - A Moment of Bliss

Oct 10, 2008 00:50

Walking into a house full of total strangers with your best friend, and discovering that after years of searching you've finally found your home.

When you jump off of a cliff and into a lake, the time spent between the two surfaces.

Walking out of your condo, strapping on skis, and making first tracks down the mountain to get breakfast at the lodge while the sun is still rising in the sky.

Daisies. Hundreds of white daisies.

Sloppy, slobbery, Labrador kisses as a wake up call.

Busting the curve on a test you just knew you were going to fail.

The first cup of hot chocolate of the winter, sipped in front of a roaring fire while re-reading your favorite book of all time in a house that is completely silent.

Coming home at the end of the worst day ever and having your partner meet you at the door with a glass of your favorite wine and the sweetest words in the world. "The house is clean, the laundry is done, there's a bath running with candles already lit. After you're done there, dinner will be waiting on a tray in the bedroom. Once you eat, I'll rub your back until you fall asleep."


Poets and philosophers have spent centuries trying to find the meaning of life. But I think I've figured it out. Life is about moments. Small, seemingly insignificant amounts of time are what make life worth living. For myself, what this means is that the secret to life is learning to find as many of those moments as possible. Personally, I shoot for one a day. And even on the worst days, if I try, I can always find, or create, at least one perfect moment. When I'm old and looking back on my life, I doubt that I will remember the details of the crappy PTA meeting that ruined my day. But I might remember drinking the perfect cup of oolong at the end of it.


lj idol, week 3

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