Suckuh... muh... BAWS.

Jun 08, 2006 22:55


H'ok, so.

Yesterday was my birthday, ans it was basically amazing. I had to work from 8:30-4 at accounts payable at Naz, and the ladies in my office bought me a bouquet of flowers and a cake (with my name spelled correctly!). Super cute. I got about 80 facebook/AIM messages (lurve), and when I was walking to get lunch, Kevin screamed "happy birthday" as he drove away in a clearly stolen golf cart. My old RA, Jody, stopped by AP and signed/sang happy birthday to me, and I got some random and lovely phone messages from people I haven't heard from in a while. Then I met Jen at Friendly's, we split a Munchie Mix, and I finally quit. :)

After that, I went home and read a ridiculous article in the Catholic Courier about The DaVinci Code Abuhhhhhhh.

Then Jeff came over, and we chilled for a bit before going to dinner. He gave me an audition guide and the 7th season of "South Park" on DVD (!!!!). Awesomesauce. At 6:00ish, Mom, Jeff, and I picked up Carl and we went to Macaroni Grill for muh berfday dinnuh. I got a free piece of cake and the host/Jeff sang to me in Italian (so good). And I fell in love with Carl all over again, as he bought me some Bailey's. Drool.

Then there was much South Park and Marble Game to be had.

Oh, ps, I got my VERY OWN A MARBLE GAME PLAYED WIF CARDZ. You are SO jealoush.

So yesterday rocked some serious socks.


Our Sister Mary Amnesia (who will remain nameless... but I will tell you that her name starts with a "J" and ends with an "essie Lehman") decided to quit. Not like we're opening 4 weeks from tomorrow ohsup. So now, I'M Amnesia (not Hubert), RACHEL is Hubert (not Reverend Mother), and KELLY is Reverend Mother (not the MOTHER EFFING DIRECTOR). I'm not that pissed... WAITYESIAM. I mean, I like Amnesia better, and I'll be hella prepared for the fall production at Naz, but COMEON. You don't effin DO THAT. And she quit because she "had a lot going on" and "wasn't comfortable with her part."

She had to say the word "ass." THAT'S what she was freakin' about.



But anyways, Sunday is our Tony party SHOEXSHITED. We're dressing up as our favorite broadway characters. I don't know what I'm going as. Any suggestions?

Ok, gotta work at 8:00am tomrrow (LAME). P3@c3, H0m3$.
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