May 23, 2011 14:45
The move before this one, I got rid of all the CD jewel cases and stored the CDs in binders. (Correction...most of the CD jewel cases. Some of them can't easily be converted to binder storage.) All of the music is stored on a server.
This move, I've pretty much done the same with the DVDs. All of them have been ripped to a server, and those that can have been stored in binders.
Next are the books. I know *what* I want to do with my book something like Kindle versions for those that I can, and scan the rest so that they are available online. I just don't know an easy way to do that. Audio versions really don't work for me...I'm a reader, not a listener.
(Kindle versions: I keep thinking about several hundred cassette tapes that I eventually broke down and bought CD versions for. I may have to do that again.)
I've only got a couple of hundred books, so it might not be such an issue to convert them to digital storage. But I guess I'll move them one more time before I decide.
Vicky's in finals this week. After Thursday she'll be done with a pair of Associate's degrees. I don't think she'll be back to school any time soon...she's pretty toasted after six years of it.
We leave Thursday night for Dallas. There's an apartment to look at, and a friend owns a house there she'd like us to rent. (I think the house is too big for the two of us, but we'll look at it and see.)
By the way, it's kinda tough to rent an apartment if you don't have a job. I found one place that will accept my unemployment insurance as "income". Others flat-out said no. While I hope to have a job fairly soon after the move, I'd rather not live in a hotel for a month or two. (And I haven't even talked with Vicky about the possibility of a hotel sense opening that can of worms.)