This summer has had its highlights and its... low hights?
SO faw katie went on vacay. Imma miss her cause we aint gunna see
each other for 2 weeks =( ...
we r like sisters indeed. Hehe.
One more month till pennsylvania.. yaaaaa.. me nd katie.. haha.
So imma bullet wat happened this summer :
- Me and Gina went to the mall... hmm.
- Me and katie and gina dominated somers commons.
- Mii grandpa had surgery like a thousand timess.. =(
- Me and katie went to rye playland and went on every riide... about. lol
- I wake up everyday at 12:30 hehe. Except for like somedays..
- SO much people broke up and like went out with other .. peopl... haha
- Kobie my dog, is a pimp.
Thatsz my bullets... hope ya like.. cause if u dont ..well thats too bad for u losers.