Jan 22, 2008 22:58
Yay for internet right? I've just been 'tracked down' by a guy I went to primary school with...PRIMARY school...as you do. So weird. I think him and some others from my graduating year there are trying to organise a reunion. Seeing some of the photos though, wow, I barely recognise them.
They all look so grown up...adult like...is this how I look? *don't feel it* I think I have Peter Pan syndrome..
Oh and I was so pleased to see that above mentioned guy has posted our year 5 or 6 grade photo....OMG PLEASE SHOOT ME!!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING OF WITH THAT HAIRSTYLE? WHY DID MY MUM LET ME LEAVE THE HOUSE LOOKING LIKE THAT?! *slaps self*
I also saw *all this on Facebook by the way..bless it's heart >_<* that one of my highschool friends has just had a baby.. O__O This is the 3rd close friend of mine to have a baby...but it still manages to freak me out. I think if you'd asked me in primary school what I'd be doing by the age I am now I would've said married with maybe 1 or 2 kids. So, I'm not..and that's cool because I have chosen the way I've gone but still...I almost feel a sense of failure. It's dumb. Just needed to voice it. *yes Rach..I hear you..and you know I agree..but I canto herp it :P*