Dear CW: Stop making shows about rich teenagers. Seriously.

Aug 12, 2008 20:45

Is it just me, or is August flying by? Breaking Dawn sucked major ass. I will never read anything by that crazy Mormon again.

Ummm...not much is new. Still planning a wedding, still not eating meat, still short. I started exercising at the Y, and I've managed to stay motivated, so I guess that's new. I've been six times in the past week.

I also tried out for Once Upon a Mattress over here at the LaPorte theatre. Our friend Cortny talked me into it, and I'm glad she did, because I was starting to feel weird about not going back to school, and depressed about not having a new job. This will get me away from the internet every night and out with the three dimensional people. Mike can't be in it because he's in school again, so we've basically swapped places: Mike = Student, Liz = Theater Person. Crazy.

Did I say not much was new? I guess that was a lie. A few more things:I have a clean apartment, two days off work, and a job interview!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a call from an agency today, and the interview is on Monday. I have lots of time to prepare and get myself psyched up. Please think happy, new jobby thoughts for me.
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