Feb 11, 2005 16:51
ok so I am going to be a Master-At-Arms when I get done with this training. So because I am going to be a police officer in the military I have to carry a form of pepper spray. The pepper spray I use is called "OC" *Oreorusin Capsicuim...or some type of spelling like that* Well a little background on this stuff. "OC" comes in 3 levels of kick-you-ass ....-this-shit pain levels. Level 1 is the stongest then level 2 then guess what, yep level 3. You can not buy level 1 'OC" unless you work for the government and are going to be using it for security forces. In other words is the Grand-daddy of all pepper sprays. Well guess what! I GOT SPRAYED WITH THAT SHIT TODAY! Yep had to do it as part of my training. That shit hurts like a son-of-a-bitch. I was sprayed with 4 crossing patterns across my eyes were my eye lids come together. So as soon and I opened my eyes, the pepper crystals flooded my eyes and the fun begins. The effect it has on you is first the peppers crystals get into the pours on your skin and you feel like you have the worst sunburn ever. They you open your eyes and the crystals get into your eyes. First your eyes slam shut and do not want to open. You have to fight yourself to open them. So yeah I was feeling like shit right off the bat. Oh you think thats bad? Guess what! That was not all of what I had to do. So they also had us run a course useing our ASP batton that we will also carry. Yeah some fun shit let me tell you. So in other words, bad sunburn....cant see worth shit....eyes sting like hell....handed a blunt object and told to go beat the hell out of the guy with the bag. Oh a fun time was had by all. Well it takes a good 2 hours to decontaminate yourself from this shit and the only thing that can make the pain go away in blinking your eyes and letting your tears flush the crystals out of your eyes. Yeah it sucked shit. Then I came home and had to take a shower. Yeah so you run water down your head and clean your eyes with baby shampoo to get the left over crystals off and guess what, you get reflashed! That means that some of the crystals fall back into your eyes! Yeah so you get to go through it again! Its not as bad this time. Only lasts for 10-15 mintues. Good news was, got the rest of the day off. Woo Freaking Hoo. So yeah that was my day today