I update more than Russ, says Mer...

Jan 05, 2009 01:24

...and I'm better in bed, too.

Kleeb posted an entry today that said LiveJournal was high school-ish, and that he'd be switching to blogspot because it's more mature. And then I laughed.

Maybe he's right though. I don't think I would've posted a vomiting pumpkin to accurately portray my New Years morning on blogspot. I would've posted a vomiting midget. Pumpkins were so ninth grade anyway, right?

As seen at thought-pie.blogspot.com

Regardless, just like high school, I'm lagging sorely behind on keeping up with my work - or, better put, updating this shit. So, with the fuel of a Mickey's 40 behind me (and Independence Day on TV in the background), I'll try and bring this up to speed from the 20th of November through today. The chances are pretty good that I'll drop something, so if you've got anything to share, hit up the comments.

As the entry says, Mer and I visited Russ in late November. Carly's boyfriend had planned a surprise murder mystery party, and we were e-vited. The new Jeep was still in limbo between the seller's bank and PennDOT, so we took Mer's car, which filled up for a whopping $21 dollars back when gas was $9.50 per gallon. The trip was pretty uneventful, until we were about 30-45 minutes out. It had been snowing for most of the ride, but not anything close to the intensity that it displayed at this point. Traffic had slowed to a crawl. I repeatedly apologized in advance if I drove us off a cliff. I got off at the next exit - I needed to pee, Mer was hungry - and hoped to find a better route. I called Russ from a gas station and told him our plight. He seemed unfazed by the potential for injury or death, and told me that someone had cancelled at the last minute and that Mer now had a much more important part in the party and that I had to get her there quickly. I figured it would take at least another hour or two, but when I got back onto the interstate, the road was dry and it was smooth sailing. I was dumbfounded about this for most of the trip; I mean, just a mile or so back it was whiteout, blizzard conditions. Wild.

We got to the party and had an awesome time. My character was loud and aloof, so I had no problem with that. I didn't get killed, and managed to obtain the most money in the game, which won me a certificate that is currently hanging on my fridge. I drank delicious Newcastle Brown Ale that had been on Russ's porch since August, his friend Jim got pretty drunk and yelled at the neighbors houses while pissing on the fence (but before he referred to Mer's boobs as 'surly'), and Tom's fiancée’s vagina tastes like peaches.

The party wound down pretty early, and as soon as everyone was gone, the two couples in the house split to the bedrooms. I hung out downstairs, figuring to have one more drink before bed. I'm not sure how it happened, but I woke up the next morning at 830 or so with a beer in hand, the TV blasting and possessing the mental capacity of a 4 year old orangutan. I trudged off to bed after grabbing some water.

This was the picture that Russ's webcam captured soon before I hit the sheets

I woke up the next morning still drunk, or with the most incredible hangover of my life. We went to a diner, Mer said something that sounded like "glass of chicken" and I almost vomited. Think about that. A champagne glass of raw chicken. Ugh.

Anyway, we hit a movie after lunch and Russ needed to get his oil pressure checked out. We hung out in Saratoga this night, and Northern argued with me over whether or not that I'm Yours shit was by John Mayer or Jason Mraz (I won). I then spent the night attributing every third song to John Mayer. We got doughboys, and Mer wore he scarf as a burka, prompting some dude in line to make an ethnic slur towards her. Bed ensured shortly after. Spent the next day watching football, evaluated Carly's shingles, and headed home. The rape free zone was never breached, which I consider a personal success.

Thanksgiving was the next week, which was cool. Caught up with a bunch of people, but it's all pretty much a blur, so I'll wrap that up with a YouTube.

image Click to view

I got my Jeep somewhere in there, which is basically the same one I had, a newer year with some upgraded features, in black, with a better interest rate.

Christmas came, and with it was another installment of the traditional midnight Mass venture. This year, somebody had the great sense to suggest drinking before the service, so Justin, Russ, Ankit, Bender and myself hit up Flaherty's. Justin spilled shit on me, so I had to run home to change. After changing, we met up at First Pres in Wilkes-Barre. Mer and Allie were there too, and I had to habitually look over my shoulder in fearing the wrath of Big Chuck. I got to show I'm not a total pig, though, and Bender got to show that he can drip hot wax onto his hand from a candle. Justin got to show the effects of alcohol on the human body, as he passed out during the service. The night ended with a trip to the store. Mer and Russ got lost, I had to stall for time from Ankit (who was wearing a Santa beach tie), and Justin habitually called Allie "Little Mer".

As an aside, if you don't watch WNEP late night on Christmas Eve, you're missing out on life. They go around to local churches/concerts/schools and record songs of the season, most of them featuring backing tracks or drum machines. Some of them end up like this

image Click to view

The rest of the holidays are a blur; I saw Matt, met his awesome girlfriend, and spent loads of time at Konefals or at Jay's or with Jay's Uncle Pete, who needs you to call the SPCA cuz his puppies are sick. New Years was typical Konefals fun, capped off with a tremendous meltdown by yours truly at Pete's house over ridiculousness.

The next day was pumpkin puking and work, followed by rocking the stage at Tink's in Scranton w/Gadget. Katie was there, which was awesome. Shes's all Japan now, and this was the first time I had seen her in about a year. It'll be the last time until April 2010, which is crazy. I'd better book a flight.

Anyway, if you haven't figured it out, its getting late and I'm rushing through things. If you can think of anything I forgot, please feel free to add it into the comments. If I didn't see you over the holidays, feel free to add anything fun that may have happened to you as well. And then bitch at me because we didn't hang out.

Later, Lj. I'm headed to study hall.