Ketchup...Cache up...Cash up...Catch up!

Oct 24, 2007 00:59

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Wow, what a crazy last 5 days - I can't believe I have slacked off this long.   Most of you already have read about the fires out in SD.  My partner and I are also in the Urban Jungle aka North Park where alot of the local LJ's live so we are doing good.

The air quality here is night and day better than 4 yrs ago- I will never forget the feeling of "wtf" when you looked outside @ 4pm, that it was grey/dark black skies and a thick smog/fog like air with soot floating around.  Imagine if you will a real life snow globe, shaken and then thrown in your easy bake oven.   Ok, maybe not your oven,  but your sisters or female cousins EasyBake oven that you secretly hoped Santa would bring you instead of some lame gift that you have absolutely no use for.

To catch myself up with the last 5 days, I'll give you the quick, DL and lickety split highlights:

• 11 massages

• LL BEAR - Rich’s   I look forward to this once a month event-  not just for a social aspect where LA, OC and SD all can be uner one roof, BUT mostly to dance and enjoy some current music like the rest of my buds across the nation have in their clubs.

Ok, am I the only one that doesn’t understand why the DJ has not been replaced or at least begged and pleaded with to stop making the music suck on this night?? Is everyone THAT drunk or on some kind of mind altering drugs that they can’t walk off the dance floor when he goes from playing a current hit (Rihanna’s Don’t Stop The Music - I think it was the Jody den Broeder* mix too) to a throwback from the 80’s FUNKY TOWN?   Wtf! Total buzz kill.    Granted, each month is different and he's had spectacular nights/sets--- but, October 2007 was not my favorite music night there.  That's ok, I spent alot of time hanging with friends in the front bar.

*Note- a mutual bear buddy of many on here has been getting a ton of airplay, record sales and recognition for his producing and re-mixing some of the top selling artists around His name is Jody den Broeder    here’s a link to his myspace page in case you want to check it out.   I’ve known Jody now for 10 yrs, and it’s great to see him in the limelight.

JODY'S BIO:   Since 2006, eight of the remix projects on which I contributed production or did by myself, went number 1 on the Billboard Dance Chart; adding to my numerous credentials as a programmer, producer, and remixer. I have provided production on official remixes for artists including; Madonna, Donna Summer, Mary J Blige, Britney Spears, Nelly Furtado, Enrique Iglesias, Gwen Stefani, Mariah Carey, Yello, Jamiroquai, Sonique, Offer Nissim, Christina Aguilera, Rihanna, Hilary Duff, and many others.

• Sunday was a great day - Showing property to an out of town massage client (that I've not heard from in three years)  that is tired of Palm Springs and wants to reside in San Diego.   To make a very long story short--- in less than 2 wks, with dual viewings a week apart-- (they have different days off, so I had to show them the properties 6 days apart from each other)  The last home I showed them was "IT"--- I'm excited for them and fingers crossed they will get it.

To wrap it all  up-- here's some Comic Relief from one of my favorite Comics--- Larry The Cable Guy.  Don't freak out at the beginning with all the big titty stuff--- trust me, hang in there-- it gets much better!


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